Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Instructional Information

Course Definitions

On the Course Descriptions  page are the descriptions (alphabetical by prefix) for credit courses offered at Southeast Community College.

Each course is identified with a lettered prefix and a course number, followed by the course title and campus where the class is taught, class hours, lab/clinical/Co-op/practicum hours (when applicable) and credit hours.

Following that is any prerequisite needed before taking the course and a brief description.

Description Ratio Hours Credits Example
Classroom Lecture Hours 1:15
(one hour of credit for every 15 hours of instruction)
45 3.0 ENGL 1010 - English Composition I 
(45 Class hours = 3.0 credits)
Support Lab Hours (Academic Transfer, General Education & Academic Support) 1:30 30 1.0 PHYS 1150 - Descriptive Physics 
(45 Class hours (3.0 cr.) + 30 lab hours (1.0 cr.) = 4.0 credits)
Vocational Lab & Clinical Hours 1:45 45 1.0 AGRI 1378 - Electrical and Hydraulic Fundamentals 
(30 Class hours (2.0 cr.) + 45 lab hours (1.0 cr.) = 3.0 credits)
Practicum Hours 1:45 90 2.0 PARM 1119 - Practicum I 
(90 Practicum hours = 2.0 credits)
Cooperative/Internship Hours 1:60 180 3.0 BSAD 2901 - Cooperative Experience 
(180 Co-Op/Intern hours = 3.0 credits)
Credit Hour Computation - Students earn academic credit based on the number of hours spent in a classroom, lab, practicum, or cooperative experience. The number of credits earned corresponds to the number of hours spent in a classroom or lab. By definition, the credit hour is a unit of measurement used to ascertain the educational value of course work offered by the institution to students enrolling in such course work, earned by such students upon successful completion of such course work, and for which tuition is charged. Credit/contact time ratio guidelines for semester credits are outlined in Nebraska state statute 85-1503. Independent Study
(Credits will be assigned according to the practices of assigning credits to similar courses.)

Classes may be offered on campus face-to-face, online, as a hybrid, and as an engaged learning experience.

Some online courses may require students to take proctored exams. Any cost for the proctor is incurred at the student’s expense. Testing & Assessment Centers centers on each of our campuses will proctor exams for SCC students at no charge. A proctored exam is one that is overseen by an impartial individual, called a proctor, who monitors or supervises a student while he or she is taking an exam. The proctor ensures the security and integrity of the exam process.

Hybrid courses require students to meet face-to-face at regularly scheduled times and online per the Virtual Learning Handbook Guidelines. Courses require computer and Internet access.

Southeast Community College also supports the Engaged Learning Experience where teaching and learning focus on engaging students in the application of knowledge and skills through interactive activities. ELE is based on a five-part framework:

  • Pre-Class Content Delivery
  • Pre-Class Assessment/Ticket to Class
  • Engaging Classroom Activities
  • Assessment of Higher Order Thinking
  • Remediation, Redirection and Review

ELE creates a learning environment that happens in and outside the classroom to enhance student learning.

General Education

The SCC CORE - General Education Requirements  

Academic Transfer, Electives List  

Transfer Guides and Articulation Agreements

SCC has strong transfer relationships with many four-year colleges and universities, as well as other Nebraska community colleges, as reflected in the many transfer guides and articulation agreements we have with our college and university partners. What follows below are examples of some of those partnerships.

We encourage students to visit with an Academic Transfer Advisor to assist them in tailoring a degree plan based on the college to which they plan to transfer and the major they intend to pursue. More information on transferring to area colleges, including transfer guides for many different majors at Nebraska and other regional colleges and universities, can be found on the SCC Website at https://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information/

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Academic Transfer Associate of Science to Bachelor: Suggested Transfer Guides to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

This is a 2 + 2, Associate to Bachelor’s degree option that allows students who complete an Associate of Science degree to continue their education toward a bachelor’s degree in Animal Science, Agronomy, Agribusiness, Fisheries and Wildlife, Pre-Veterinary Medicine, or Agricultural Education-Teaching Option in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. More information can be found at http://casnr.unl.edu/transfer-students

Inclusive Early Childhood Education

Academic Transfer Associate of Arts to Bachelor: Suggested Transfer Guide to Peru State College

This articulated program of student leads a student from SCC’s Associate of Arts Degree to a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education Inclusive Option (Birth-Grade 3) at Peru State. Students interested in becoming educators of young children or working in or operating a childcare business might be interested in this degree. More information an be found on SCC’s transfer information landing page at https://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information.


Academic Transfer Associate of Arts to Bachelor: Suggested Transfer Guide to Doane University

This is a 2 + 2, Associate of Arts to Bachelor’s degree option designed for students interested in pursuing a career in teaching at the elementary, middle, or secondary school level in Nebraska. For a detailed transfer guide, visit http://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information

Pre-Social Work

SCC has articulation agreements with Nebraska Wesleyan University and Union College to provide students a pathway from SCC’s Associate of Arts Degree to a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. A degree in social work can lead to careers in counseling, case management, education, advocacy, law enforcement, training and education, and more. For more information, please refer to the SCC Transfer Information landing page at: http://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information

Advanced Degree Options

Assisting our students to access lifelong learning and advanced education is important to SCC. We have partnered with several Nebraska institutions of higher education. More detailed information can be found on our transfer web page: https://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information/.

Bellevue University

Any SCC student completing an associate’s degree (A.A., A.S., or A.A.S.) can enter Bellevue University at junior status. This allows students to begin working in their program towards a bachelor’s degree, which can be completed in as little as 15 months.

Chadron State College

Students who have completed an associate degree (A.A. or A.S.) from SCC will have met all Essential Studies requirements. Students enrolled in Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree programs are encouraged to complete their program requirements before enrolling at CSC to maximize credit transfer and to possibly qualify for the Essential Studies waiver. Students who are close to completion may be advised to complete any remaining hours toward their associate degree through reverse transfer.

Concordia University

Students who have completed an Associate of Arts degree shall be considered to have completed all general education requirements except for religion and theology. Students can also refer to the program-specific course equivalency guide to view the list of individual courses. A maximum of 70 semester hours will be accepted for transfer from SCC. In addition to course equivalency transferability, CU guarantees that any student with an associate degree from SCC who is enrolled full-time at Concordia University, Nebraska will receive no less than $18,000 in annual institutional aid.

Doane University

If a student has completed an associate degree, diploma, or professional certificate at a two-year college, a maximum of 60 semester credits are accepted in transfer. There are several program-specific and general education transfer guides listed on our website. Any A.A.S. graduate in a health program can transfer into the Health Sciences Leadership major. If a student has an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), a maximum of 72 semester credits are accepted in transfer for the BSN major.

Hastings College

Hastings College will accept the Associate of Arts degree from an accredited junior college or technical/community college and all work, regardless of grade, for which credit was allowed toward the A.A. degree. To earn a bachelor’s degree from Hastings College, transfer students with the A.A. degree must complete an additional 65 hours with at least 35 of those credit hours in upper-division courses, all core requirements, and major field requirements.

Midland University

Students with an Associate of Arts degree typically do not need to complete Midland’s general education core. However, all students are required to have their official transcript reviewed by the Office of the Registrar for final approval. A maximum of 72 credit hours from SCC can be accepted.

Nebraska Wesleyan University

Nebraska Wesleyan has partnered with SCC to offer Pathways to NWU. This partnership enables SCC students transferring to Nebraska Wesleyan to find two pathways to earning a bachelor’s degree. The first pathway is the traditional, daytime, semester-length pathway. Wesleyan also offers an accelerated degree-completion evening program at a reduced credit hour rate for working adults. The evening Advantage program offers degrees in Business, RN BSN, Organization Leadership & Communication, and Social Work.

Peru State College

SCC graduates who have earned an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will have fulfilled the General Studies requirements. A maximum of 66 semester credit hours may be from SCC. There are program-specific transfer guides available on the PSC website. Students who have completed an A.A.S. degree can pursue a Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) degree, which is designed for students interested in developing their management skills to complement their technical background.

Union College

SCC courses are transferable to Union College. Students will need to check with a program advisor at Union College for specific coursework that will apply to their intended transfer major. Also, there are articulation agreements for three Union College programs: Biotechnology/Biomedical Science, Nursing and Social Work.

University of Nebraska Kearney

SCC students who have graduated with an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree will have fulfilled UNK’s General Studies program requirements (LOPERs). Students must still complete any general studies requirements specified within their program of study. Departments are permitted to require their majors to complete particular general studies courses. Students should consult the program requirements in their major to choose appropriate general studies courses for their degree. There are specific pathways listed for Business, Criminal Justice and Early Childhood Education.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

UNL will accept a maximum of 60 semester credits from SCC applying toward one of their more than 150 programs. SCC students can earn an A.A. or A.S. degree and achieve junior standing at UNL in a significant number of majors. Also, there are articulation agreements for six CASNR majors: Agribusiness, Agricultural Education, Agronomy, Animal Science, Fisheries & Wildlife, and pre-Veterinary.

University of Nebraska Omaha

SCC students who completed the Associate of Arts curriculum requirements will have fulfilled the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO) general education requirements applicable to all UNO degree programs. This provision does not apply to A.S. degrees. A maximum of 64 semester credit hours may be transferred. The College of Engineering may accept up to 66 semester hours. Individual course transferability and program-specific pathways are located on our website.

Wayne State College

Students who earn an A.A./A.S. degree from a Nebraska community college will have their general studies courses waived unless the course is required in their program of study. Students need to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours distributed over all 10 Core Academic Tenets (CATS). SCC students can transfer up to 66 semester credits to Wayne State College.

Other Educational Opportunities

Adult Education

Southeast Community College provides learner services in conjunction with the Nebraska Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Education, and with private organizations, agencies and businesses. We offer classes in several primary locations across our 15-county service area and individual sessions in other locations as learner needs arise.

SCC’s Adult Education program supports several educational opportunities for instruction to help adults improve their basic skills. AE’s focus is teaching adults basic literacy skills: reading, writing, math, listening and speaking; and GED® (General Educational Development) preparation. AE is offered on a non-credit basis. AE programs are organized in many of the communities in the SCC service area. Students are required to attend an orientation session to register for AE courses. (There is no registration fee required.)

For additional information, contact the Director of Adult Education at 402-437-2717, email adulted@southeast.edu, or visit the SCC Adult Education website at www.southeast.edu/adulteducation.

English as a Second Language

SCC’s English as a Second Language program offers a series of classes for students who want to develop English language proficiency. All ESL classes include reading, writing, listening, and speaking and provide a strong foundation in fundamental grammar structure, sentence patterns and English vocabulary. Interested students may enroll in courses offered through the Adult Education Department. SCC offers classes from basic literacy to college preparation. Students are required to complete ESL Orientation to determine appropriate placement into the sequence of courses

You can obtain additional information concerning ESL instruction by contacting the ESL Office at 402-437-2717, adulted@southeast.edu, or online at www.southeast.edu/esl.

General Educational Development (GED®)

Adults and out-of-school youth who want to prepare for the General Educational Development GED® tests to qualify for the Nebraska High School Diploma attend classes at SCC campus(s), learning center locations, and in various regional locations.

Students will prepare to take the GED® exam tests in Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematical Reasoning. Only approved testing sites administer tests developed and regulated by the General Educational Development Testing Service in Washington, DC.

For more information, visit GED® Information published by the GED® Testing Service. You may also contact the Director of Adult Education at 402-437-2717 or visit our website: https://www.southeast.edu/gedpreparation.

Global Education - Student World Denizen Project

What is a denizen? A denizen is someone who has lived at a particular place for a prolonged period of time and has learned the culture of their new environment. We hope that students who become part of the Student World Denizen Project will learn and embrace the new diverse cultures and people with which they come into contact. We want our students to look beyond the brick-and-mortar classrooms of SCC and see the world and understand that our concept of community now extends beyond the campus, city, county, and the state to encompass the world. We want our students to have the knowledge and skills that will allow them to participate in the global community and to become global citizens.

SCC’s Global Education Student World Denizen Project is designed to more fully globalize our curriculum and increase faculty, staff and student awareness and involvement in global issues, activities and dialogue through the implementation of a series of SCC-sponsored activities. For more information, visit https://www.southeast.edu/globaleducation/.

The Global Education Student World Denizen project includes the following requirements:

  1. Students will complete at least 9 credits (three courses) from the approved list of Global Education Courses (all interested students must secure approval from the Office of Global Education Initiative before starting the SCC Global Education Student World Denizen Project). All of the course requirements for the project are listed on the Global Education website: www.southeast.edu/globaleducation. Approved transfer credit will be accepted for courses comparable to the approved list of Global Education classes offered at SCC.
  2. Students will maintain a minimum B average or a grade-point average of 3.0 in courses designated as having global content.
  3. Students will participate in six total (a minimum of three activities during each academic year) international passport activities (screening of a film, book reading group, International Education Week activities, speakers/dialogue, or an approved community event) before they graduate or transfer from SCC.
  4. Students will help plan one approved on-campus event relating to a global issue.
  5. Students gain global experience (45 hours of participation) in either a Global Education Global Studies (GLST 2980  ) travel course and trip or an approved International Internship. 
  6. Students will give a formal capstone presentation related to their global experience (class/trip or domestic experience).
  7. Students will submit the PowerPoint of their capstone presentation to the Global Education Coordinator, to be placed on the Global Education website.
  8. Students completing the requirements of the Global Education Student World Denizen Project will receive an official Letter of Distinction.

Job Upgrading and Continuing Education Training

The College offers non-credit classes at all campus locations and learning centers throughout the 15-county service area. Classes are offered at various hours of the day to assist individuals in upgrading their present job skills, training for new careers and developing or enhancing recreational and cultural interests. Classes may be available through cooperative agreements with local high schools, hospitals, libraries, community centers, civic organizations, and businesses throughout the service area. SCC offers both credit and non-credit classes for job upgrading, job preparation and professional re-licensure. We offer these classes based on the needs of area businesses, industries, employers, and advisory committees. Through the Continuing Education Division, the College has provided coaching and services to start-up businesses, companies new and established in the area, as well as employee improvement training both on-site and on the campus. Customized training courses are available to new or existing businesses and developed through one-on-one consultation, assessment of needs, development of solutions, and location of grants and resources to help reduce training costs for the organization.

For more information, visit https://www.southeast.edu/continuing/customizedtraining/.

Additional Information

Workforce Leadership Teams (Advisory Committees)

For each occupational Program of Study, Southeast Community College consults with a committee comprised of interested leaders in businesses, agriculture, industries, and professions. The College and the committees work together to determine the training and employment needs, discuss new programs and courses, evaluate present programs, facilities, and graduates, and assist in revisions as needed to meet the needs of business and industry.

Assessment of Student Learning and Program Review

SCC measures curricular and cocurricular student learning as part of its ongoing efforts to improve academic and student support programs. Through the assessment of student learning, SCC continuously monitors its effectiveness and implements changes for improvement. The College utilizes a variety of direct and indirect measurements for the assessment of student learning and program review, including:

  • Entry-level tests and assessments for beginning students
  • Comprehensive exams at the course and program levels
  • Nationally standardized tests
  • Formal and informal surveys
  • Focused discussion groups conducted within academic departments or at the institutional level
  • Strategies that assess general education learning outcomes within courses and/or through specially scheduled activities
  • Post-graduation surveys

Student Participation in College Assessment Activities

Admission to SCC implies each student’s willingness to participate in various efforts of the College to assess learning outcomes and the effectiveness of its academic programs. Students enrolled at SCC may be asked to participate in assessment activities as part of their coursework. Information collected is used in aggregate form to determine program and institutional effectiveness with regard to student learning outcomes. Analysis and results focus on group, rather than individual, outcomes.

Engaged Learning Experience

SCC supports the Engaged Learning Experience (ELE) where teaching and learning focus on engaging students in the application of knowledge and skills through interactive activities. ELE is based on a five-part framework:

  1. Pre-Class Content Delivery
  2. Pre-Class Assessment/Ticket to Class
  3. Engaging Classroom Activities
  4. Assessment of Higher Order Thinking
  5. Remediation, Redirection and Review

ELE creates a learning environment that happens in and outside the classroom to enhance student learning.