Feb 08, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid & Planning

SCC Financial Aid Office Contact Information

Phone: 800-642-4075 ext. 2610, 402-437-2610
Fax: 402-437-2402
Email: financialaid@southeast.edu * Remember, if you are sending an email to ask about your account, it should include your SCC ID and should be submitted via your SCC email account.*

Hours of Operation:    
Beatrice Campus: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Lincoln Campus: Mon. - Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
  Fri. 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Milford Campus: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Other Useful Contact information related to Admissions, Records, and Student Accounts:

  • Questions about your admissions application: 402-437-2600
  • Questions about registering for a course, transcripts, graduation, degree audits, or course substitutions: 402-437-2605
  • Questions about your student account, refund, and payment plan, etc.: 402-437-2669

Financial Aid

Southeast Community College participates in multiple financial aid programs: Federal Pell Grant, Federal Work-Study, IRAQ and Afghanistan Service Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Direct Loan, Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), Nebraska Opportunity Grant, and various institutional, and private and organizational scholarships.

All degree- or diploma-seeking students are eligible to apply for financial aid. Students must meet eligibility requirements for each program. To receive maximum eligibility levels, students must be enrolled full-time, in at least 12 credit hours, during the semester.

Federal and state financial aid guidelines are subject to frequent change. Financial aid awards are administered by the SCC Financial Aid Office under policies established by federal and state governmental guidelines.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

To apply for federal financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at https://studentaid.gov. The Federal Title IV school code for ALL SCC campuses is 007591. This application is used to determine financial need at SCC, and most financial aid is awarded on the basis of financial need. Students can begin to apply on Oct. 1 for the next academic year.

The information provided on the financial aid application will be used to prepare a Student Aid Report (SAR), which should be received about a week after applying. For assistance with the application process, please contact any SCC Financial Aid Office or an EducationQuest office in Kearney, Lincoln, or Omaha.

Priority deadline dates have been established to prevent delays in financial aid processing and are as follows:

  • April 1 (fall)
  • Aug. 1 (spring)
  • Jan. 1 (summer)

Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant: This federal program provides direct grants to students to help pay college costs. Pell Grant amounts can change yearly. Amounts awarded to students are dependent on the Expected Family Contribution, the cost of education, financial need, length of the enrollment period, and registration status. SCC maintains a Federal Pell “recalculation date” of the date of the initial award and the course census date each term.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity (FSEOG) and Nebraska Opportunity Grant (NOG) Programs: The federal and state governments provide funding for these grant programs. FSEOG and NOG funds are awarded to students having the greatest need. Priority for FSEOG is given to Pell Grant recipients with the lowest EFC. NOG eligibility requirements are subject to change every year by the Nebraska Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education.

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant: This federal program provides direct grants to students to help pay for college costs. A student may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant if they are not eligible for a Federal Pell Grant on the basis of their Expected Family Contribution but meet the remaining Federal Pell Grant eligibility requirements, and:

  • their parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. armed forces and
  • died as a result of military service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after the events of 9/11, and
  • the student was under 24 years old or
  • enrolled in college at least part-time at the time of their parent or guardian’s death.

Federal Work-Study: These programs provide students part-time jobs on campus. Federal work-study is based on need. Additionally, there are opportunities for community service work-study jobs that may be either on- or off-campus.

Federal Direct Student Loans: This federal program provides educational loans to students. Dependent students in the first year of a Program of Study may borrow up to $5,500, while second-year students may borrow up to $6,500. Independent students have higher loan limits. The maximum amount undergraduates may borrow during their college program is $31,000 for dependent students and $57,500 for independent students.

Students are classified first-year for student loan purposes until they earn 30 credit hours toward an eligible Program of Study. All one-term loans will be disbursed in two payments: the first half about 10 days from the beginning of the term and the second half midway into the term.

Both subsidized (the federal government pays the interest) and unsubsidized (the student is responsible for the interest) loan programs are available. Financial need and other sources of financial aid determine the loan program or programs for which students are eligible. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) TIV credit hours to be eligible for this award each enrollment period.

Repayment of loans begins six months after the student graduates, withdraws from college, or drops below half-time enrollment status.

The Financial Aid Associate Director or the Financial Aid Director may deny a loan or certify a loan for less than the requested amount. This must be done on a case-by-case basis according to the guidance provided by federal regulations. The reason(s) for the decision will be provided to the student in writing, upon request.

Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS): The PLUS program assists eligible parents in paying college costs. Eligible parents of dependent students can borrow up to the cost of attendance, minus other financial aid. Parents are required to begin repayment shortly after receiving the loan unless they are granted a deferment. Deferment information is available from the lender or loan servicer.

Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) TIV credit hours to be eligible for this award each enrollment period.

Alternative Loans: These loans are available through banks or other lenders and are credit-based.

Borrower Resources for Federal Loans

Institutional Aid

Scholarships: Various scholarships are available to SCC students through the SCC Educational Foundation. Scholarship funds are provided by the College or outside contributors to students based on criteria determined by the donor.

The SCC Scholarship application is available ONLINE at www.southeast.edu/scholarships and has open enrollment during the following calendar days for current and returning students:

  • May 1-31 fall semester and Oct. 1-31 spring semester.

High school seniors are eligible to apply ONLINE at www.southeast.edu/scholarships and have open enrollment during the following calendar days:

  • Dec. 1-March 1.

To be considered for financial need scholarship awards, students must also file a FAFSA for the appropriate school year.

If a student is unable to apply online, they may contact the Financial Aid Office with an explanation of extenuating circumstances and may receive assistance with the application process.

Additional Financial Assistance Resources

Other sources of financial assistance available include employers and public agencies. Qualification requirements vary by organization. Please contact the appropriate agency listed for more information.

Educational Tax Credits

Tax incentives may be available for certain college expenses, such as tuition and fees, as well as student loan interest. For information, consult your tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/tax-benefits-for-education-information-center

Veterans’ Benefits

Veterans attending SCC may be eligible to receive benefits through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs when pursuing most associate degree programs. For more information, please visit the website of the Office of Veterans Services at www.va.gov.


The Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act (HEROES) provides for the modification and waiver of some statutory and regulatory provisions related to students who receive financial aid and who are on active duty during a war or other military operation or who reside or are employed in a declared disaster area. These adjustments apply to the return of funds and signature requirements for verification and application, among other things. Affected individuals include an individual who:

  • Is serving on active duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency;
  • Is performing qualifying National Guard duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency;
  • Resides or is employed in an area that is declared a disaster area by any federal, state, or local official in connection with a national emergency; or
  • Suffered direct economic hardship as a direct result of a war or other military operation or national emergency, as determined by the secretary.

These waivers and modifications expire on Sept. 30, 2022.

Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility for most financial aid programs is based on the demonstrated financial need of the student and/or the student’s family and on registered credit hours. In addition to the general requirements listed below, each financial aid program may also have eligibility requirements that are specific to that program.

  • Be a citizen, national or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Be accepted by the College for admission as a regular student and demonstrate the ability to benefit from the selected Program of Study. Students enrolled in high school, postsecondary option students, early-admit students, and students who apply for admission as visiting or guest students are not eligible for aid.
  • Show your intent on the Application for Admission as one of the following:
    • to obtain an associate degree for transfer to another college
    • to obtain an associate degree for the job market
    • to obtain a diploma
  • Be enrolled in a financial aid-eligible degree or diploma program. (Certificate programs are not eligible for financial aid.)
  • Be enrolled in courses that provide credit toward your declared financial aid-eligible degree or diploma program. (Courses taken as audit are not aid eligible. Financial aid can only be used for one repeat of a previously passed course.)

Meet the enrollment and attendance requirements for each program.

  • To receive federal financial aid, you must meet one of the following academic requirements:
    • Have a high school diploma or equivalent, such as GED®; OR
    • Have a high school diploma from a state-approved home school; OR
    • Proof of completion of at least a two-year program acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree (an official college transcript must be on file with the Registration & Records Office showing that you earned an associate degree or higher); OR
    • Satisfactory completion of six (6) semester hours (other than developmental courses) applicable to a degree or diploma at SCC
  • Comply with requirements concerning the submission of a Statement of Educational Purpose. This is included on the financial aid application (FAFSA).
  • Certify that you are not in default on any federal student loan with the Department of Education or another institution.
  • Certify that you do not owe a refund to any federal aid program. This includes grant over payments resulting from withdrawals.
  • If selected for verification, submit all required documents as indicated in the Verification Policy.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress as set forth in the Southeast Community College Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Other Factors That May Affect Financial Aid:

Developmental Hours
Students receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 developmental credit hours. These courses include, but are not limited to, any course level beginning with a zero, i.e. MATH 0900, MATH 0950, ENGL-0850, and ENGL-0950. Developmental courses that are no longer available are still included in determining the 30 developmental credit-hour limit.

Repeated Coursework
Students may receive financial aid for repeating courses. However, if retaking a previously passed course, financial aid can only be used for one repeat of the course even if the second attempt results in a lower grade.

Federal Pell Grant Recalculation
SCC maintains a Federal Pell “recalculation date” of the date of the initial award and the course census date each term. Generally, once this date has been reached, no adjustments are made to the Pell Grant award based on enrollment changes.

Consortium Agreement
Credits earned at another institution under a Consortium Agreement will be used to determine enrollment status for the awarding of federal financial aid. Such courses will be treated in the determination of academic progress as if they were transfer credits.

Incarcerated Students
Students incarcerated in federal and state penal institutions are not eligible for Pell Grants but may potentially be eligible to receive FSEOG and Federal Work-Study (FWS) funds. Students incarcerated in a juvenile justice facility or a local or county penal institution are potentially eligible for Pell Grants (as well as FWS and FSEOG, but not Direct Loans), regardless of which governmental entity operates or has jurisdiction over the facility.

When completing the FAFSA, an incarcerated student should use the address of the facility in which they are incarcerated as his or her permanent mailing address. When the student is no longer incarcerated, they should update the address on the FAFSA.

All information is subject to change based on changes to federal law, regulation, or college policy and procedure. If changes are made, students must abide by the new policy.

Financial Aid Awards

The Student’s Financial Aid Package
SCC issues an online Financial Aid Award Letter that informs students of the financial aid they may be eligible to receive. The student’s offer of financial assistance is their estimated financial aid package for the academic year. Eligibility for need-based aid is determined by the estimated cost of attendance, the student’s Expected Family Contribution based on the information that was provided on the student’s FAFSA and the student’s enrollment status.

Obtaining a Refund of Title IV Funds

SCC has contracted with a third-party service provider for the processing of direct payments of Title IV funds on behalf of SCC under a Tier 1 relationship.

To obtain a refund of Title IV funds:

  • SCC does not require the student to open or obtain an account/access device offered through the third-party service provider
  • Options to receive Title IV payments include:
    • A check will be mailed to the student at the address on file if no other option is selected or
    • ACH bank transfer to the account designated by the student
  • All Title IV payments are generated with the same process regardless of how the student has chosen to receive payment.  Please allow an additional 3 to 10 business days for delivery by United States Postal Service if the refund is being made by check.
  • Students can modify payment/banking options by following instructions available on The HUB. Changes must be made 72 hours prior to the refund date.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

The following components are measured to determine whether the student is meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP):

Grade-Point Average: A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Pace Requirement: This component of the SAP policy is measuring the pace at which a student must progress through his or her Program of Study to ensure completion within the maximum time frame permitted and provides for a measurement of the student’s progress at the end of the semester. The pace is calculated by determining the cumulative number of credit hours the student has successfully completed divided by the number of cumulative credit hours the student has attempted. To meet the pace requirement, the student’s completion rate must be 66.7% or higher. Attempted credits include any course taken for credit while attending SCC. Credit hours transferred in from another institution are included in both attempted and completed credits. Successfully completed credit hours include all grades between an A and a D-. Credit hours that will not count as successfully completed include letter grades of F (Fail) or I (Incomplete), D (Drop) or W (Withdrawal).

Maximum Timeframe (rate of program completion): Students are expected to complete their Program of Study within a reasonable time period. A student becomes ineligible when it becomes mathematically impossible to complete their program within 150% of the length of the program. A student’s Maximum Timeframe (MTF) is based on total credit hours attempted at SCC, plus any transfer credits accepted toward their Program of Study. These limits must apply regardless of whether the student received federal funding for all or any of the credits attempted.

Students are eligible to receive aid for up to 150% of the published number of credit hours for a Program of Study. Example: If a Program of Study requires 64 credit hours to graduate, the maximum credit limit a student can take and receive financial aid would be 96 (64 x 150%). All credit hours attempted are counted toward MTF.

At the end of each semester, the total number of attempted credit hours will be counted to see if the student has reached the maximum number of credit hours for a program. This includes credit hours attempted in semesters where aid was not received, credit hours attempted prior to a change in a Program of Study, and credit hours transferred from another institution toward the Program of Study. Students who change majors should contact the Financial Aid Office to find out how this affects their MTF. Also, students approaching or having reached MTF have the right to file an appeal to request an extension.

Explanation of Statuses

Financial Aid Warning: Financial Aid Warning status is assigned to a student who fails to meet one or more of the SAP measures indicated above at the conclusion of a payment period. During a warning semester, the student may still receive financial aid. The student’s future financial aid eligibility is dependent upon how well the student does during the warning term. If the student completes the warning semester and now has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and an overall 66.7% or above completion ratio, the student will be removed from financial aid warning status and restored to good standing. If, however, the student again fails to meet one or both of these requirements, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

Suspension: A student will be placed on financial aid suspension if they fail to meet the SAP requirements at the end of a warning semester and/or if the student reaches the maximum timeframe point or cannot complete their program degree before reaching the MTF. This means losing eligibility for grants, federal work-study, student loans, and institutional scholarships. 

Regaining Eligibility

A student may qualify for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility by enrolling in coursework at their own expense and bringing their cumulative GPA to or above 2.0 and by bringing their pace requirement up to 66.7% to meet the minimum requirements of the SAP policy.

Appeals: A student may appeal their financial aid suspension if extenuating circumstances (death of a family member, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances) exist. Appeal forms are available at any SCC Financial Aid Office and online at https://www.southeast.edu/financialaidforms/ and must include supporting documentation of the circumstances. In the appeal request the student must provide information regarding why they failed to meet the SAP requirements, and what has changed in the student’s situation that would allow them to demonstrate SAP at the next evaluation. If a student’s appeal is granted, they will be placed on financial aid probation. A student on probation may receive aid for one payment period. At that point, the student must meet SAP standards or the requirements of an academic plan that was established on an individual student basis as a result of the appeal process. 

Denied appeals may be directed to the SCC Administrative Director of Financial Aid for second-level appeal review. Second-level appeals must include documentation above what the student submitted originally.

Additional requirements may be listed on the appeal approval notice.

Evaluation Time Frame: All students will have their SAP evaluated at the end of each term of enrollment. Students placed on warning, probation, or suspension will be notified of their status via their SCC email account. It is the responsibility of the student to check their SCC email account to stay informed of financial aid eligibility.

Currently, SCC policy allows students to appeal financial aid suspension more than once. The subsequent appeal must be based on extenuating circumstances preventing the student from being successful and the extenuating circumstances and corrective action must be different from prior appeals.

Other Factors That May Affect SAP

Developmental Hours
A student is limited to taking 30 developmental credit hours. Federal financial aid programs will not cover any developmental courses taken after reaching the maximum of 30 hours. These courses include, but are not limited to, any course level beginning with a zero, i.e. MATH 0900, MATH 0950, ENGL-0850, and ENGL-0950. Development courses that are no longer available are still included in determining the 30 developmental credit hour limit.

Incomplete, Not-Reported, Withdrawals and Repeated Courses
Incomplete grades are counted as an ‘F’ until they have been successfully completed within the appropriate time frame. If an incomplete or a non-reported grade causes a student to fall below the minimum SAP requirements, or if the student is on an approved appeal, the reported grade will cause a student to be suspended and future financial aid will be canceled. If the new calculation shows the student is within the SAP guidelines, the student will be placed into the appropriate SAP status based on the completed course.

Withdrawals are treated as attempted but not completed and will count in the student’s Pace of Progression.

Students may receive financial aid for repeating courses. However, if retaking a previously passed course, financial aid can only be used for one repeat of the course even if the second attempt results in a lower grade. Any courses that are repeated will be used in the calculation of a student’s SAP status. Each repetition will count toward the attempted hours; however, only the course(s) being counted in the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) calculation will be counted in completed hours for SAP. Limits on repeated courses are outlined in this Catalog.

Academic Bankruptcy
In some cases, SCC will allow students to declare “Academic Bankruptcy,” which permits the removal of credit hours and grade points from a student’s GPA, to allow for an improvement of the student’s GPA.

Federal regulations do not recognize the use of “Academic Bankruptcy,” so for SAP purposes, those grades will continue to be factored into the student’s SAP calculations.

Transfer Credits
When a student transfers credit from another school to an SCC program, all credits transferred in will be considered for SAP.

Consortium Agreement
Credits earned at another institution under a Consortium Agreement will be used to determine enrollment status for the awarding of federal financial aid. Such courses will be treated in the determination of academic progress as if they were transfer credits.

All information is subject to change based on changes to federal law, regulation, or College policies and procedures. If changes are made, students must abide by the new policies.

Return of Title IV Funds

Return of Federal Funds: Students who receive federal financial aid but fail to complete any coursework will be subject to a Return of Title IV (R2T4) funds calculation and may be required to repay a portion of the aid that has been disbursed. Students who are considering withdrawing their entire class schedule should check with the Financial Aid Office first to find out what the consequences will be in terms of repayment and future financial aid eligibility.