Feb 12, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Support


Advising at SCC is committed to your success! Our goal is to develop an ongoing, collaborative partnership between you and your advisor beginning at your New Student Enrollment experience and continuing through graduation and beyond. Advising services are designed to support your life in and out of the classroom, and advisors can help you create an educational plan that fits with your academic, career and personal goals. We have two main types of advisors at SCC.

College Advisors:

  • Work with you to explore and confirm your academic path and career choice 
  • Advise you for your first semester at New Student Enrollment and subsequent terms as needed
  • Help you understand College policies
  • Serve as your ongoing success coach by helping you with academic and personal success skills, such as learning how to study effectively, take tests, reduce stress, and manage time
  • Connect you to any needed campus and community resources, such as the campus food pantry, tutoring, basic needs, physical and mental health services, and wellness services

Faculty Advisors:

  • Provide you with academic advising, typically beginning with your second term at SCC
  • Serve as your program content expert by providing you with detailed advising and educational planning within your specific area of study
  • Provide career mentoring as you explore career options

Scholarship Programs

Learn to Dream Scholarship

The Learn to Dream Scholarship was established to create an opportunity for economically disadvantaged high school students graduating from a public, private, or parochial high or home schools in Lincoln and select schools in the 15-county service area to further their education by attending any SCC campus. LTD scholars can receive guidance and support from their College Advisor who can assist with:

  • Personal mentoring and support
  • Study skills education
  • Educational goals identification and plan development
  • Connections to campus events/activities
  • Financial aid, scholarships and money-management information
  • Retention/Academic support
  • Academic advising and registration assistance
  • Career exploration
  • Locating textbooks and supplies for college
  • Connection to college resources​

Eligible students can receive up to 60 credits tuition-free. Students interested in the LTD scholarship should contact their high school guidance counselor to determine eligibility. Generally, to qualify, students must be eligible for the federal free or reduced lunch program, though they do not have to receive it. The majority of students will apply for LTD while in high school, however, students who have recently completed high school (three semesters, or one full academic year) can inquire about potential eligibility for the Lincoln LTD program at SCC. For more information, contact a College Advisor at 402-437-2419.

People Obtaining Prosperity

The People Obtaining Prosperity Scholarship allows qualifying persons the opportunity to attend Southeast Community College tuition-free for 30 credit hours. To be eligible a student must live in Lincoln, Beatrice, or Milford and meet certain income guidelines. A limited number of scholarships are available each year. Qualified and accepted POP students may receive success coaching and case management to help them be successful in college. POP students who meet academic requirements are selected to receive tuition and fee reimbursement beyond 30 credits to enable them to continue SCC academic/vocational program. Scholarship eligibility is determined through the Center for People in Need. College Advisors provide scholarship participants with support and guidance, including the following services:

  • Personal mentoring and support
  • Educational goal identification and plan development
  • Study skills education
  • Registration assistance
  • Career exploration
  • Financial assistance opportunities
  • Connection to college resources

For more information, contact College Advisors at 402-437-2419.

Peter Kiewit Scholars

The Peter Kiewit Scholarship provides renewable scholarships to a select number of SCC students pursuing a certificate or degree for in-demand occupations in the 15-county service area. College Advisors provide scholarship participants with support and guidance, including the following services:

  • Personal mentoring and support
  • Educational goals identification and plan development
  • Provision of mini-grants to help pay for educational supplies
  • Study skills education
  • Events/activities identification

For more information, contact College Advisors at 402-437-2419.

Student Engagement

Success @ SCC Class (ACFS1015)

Southeast Community College is committed to student success and has developed the Success @ SCC course (ACFS1015) which is required for all new students declared in a program of study. It is strongly recommended that the course is taken within the first term. ACFS1015 Success @ SCC is offered as a five week class twice during each semester and in the summer, and in face-to-face and online formats. In some programs, the course is offered within the program and taught by a program instructor. For other programs, students enroll in a general section. Students should consult with their College Advisor and refer to their program of study’s page in the College Calalog to determine which section to select.

This course will introduce students to SCC and provide the information, skills and knowledge necessary to be a successful student at SCC. The course focuses on important College policies, procedures and processes; College support services; and academic and personal skills necessary for success.

TRiO Student Support Services Program 

The TRiO Student Support Services program is a federally funded program committed to the success of students who are first-generation, have a limited income, or are experiencing disabilities.

Applications are available at the TRiO SSS Program Office on the Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford campuses or online www.southeast.edu/triostudentsupportservices/.

Our mission is to empower scholars through proactive advising to achieve maximum academic success and career readiness. Students will develop the necessary skills, knowledge and attributes to graduate as skilled professionals, global citizens and leaders committed to lifelong learning.

How Do I Qualify?

To qualify, a student must display an academic need based on any of the following:

  • College entrance scores (Next-Generation ACCUPLACER, ACT, GED®)
  • High school grade of C+ or lower in math, English or science courses.
  • College grades of C or lower in any credit course
  • No college attendance in the last five years
  • Limited English proficiency
  • Others as determined by the TRiO Student Success Coach

Be one or more of the following:

  • A first-generation college student or
  • Within federal low-income guidelines or
  • An individual with a documented disability

Additionally, TRiO/SSS Program students must be:

  • Accepted and enrolled in a Program of Study that leads to an associate degree or diploma.
  • Able to complete a Program of Study in four (4) years.

What services and activities are available?

  • Academic, financial and personal support
  • Career planning and job shadowing
  • Cultural events and off-campus activities
  • Student leadership opportunities
  • TRiO tuition waivers as available (if eligible)
  • Scholarship research assistance
  • Information and assistance with Federal Financial Aid applications
  • Four-year college tours and transfer school advising
  • Advocacy and referral services
  • Group workshops or individualized help regarding time management, stress management,
    study skills, test-taking, note-taking, and scholarship essay writing

TRiO/SSS Program Offices:

Beatrice: AEC 108, 402-228-8215
Lincoln: 8800 O Street Room B-32, 402-437-2766
Milford: Eicher Technical Center Room 100Q, 402-761-8235

TRiO Upward Bound

TRiO Upward Bound is a grant-funded program awarded to SCC by the U.S. Department of Education. The goals of Upward Bound are to help grant-qualified students in grades 9 through 12 to graduate and to prepare to enter and succeed in college. The program targets low-income, and/or first-generation students. First-generation students are those whose parents did not complete a bachelor’s degree or, in the case of students who live with and are supported by only one parent, a student whose parent did not complete a bachelor’s degree.

Located on the Beatrice Campus, the SCC Upward Bound program began Sept. 1, 2003. The College partners with Beatrice, Fairbury and Southern (Wymore-Blue Springs) high schools to serve 56 eligible students.

The SCC Upward Bound program provides intensive support to participants at no cost to the student. Services include academic tutoring, assistance in secondary and postsecondary course selection, assistance in preparing for the ACT exam and college admissions, supply information on the full range of Federal student financial aid programs, assistance in completing the FAFSA, guidance and assistance in secondary school re-entry, and education in improving financial or economic literacy.

For more information, contact the Upward Bound Director at 402-228-8166, or the Educational Specialist at 402-228-8156.

Student Support Services

Tutoring & Transitions Center

Free tutoring services are available to students who are taking credit courses or who are enrolled in the Transitions Lab. The availability of tutors will vary by location. Tutoring sessions are available by appointment or walk-in, face-to-face or online. Tutors include faculty and undergraduate and graduate students who are trained in student support. Tutors, subjects and hours of availability are posted on The Hub. To view online tutoring availability, click on the “Request a Tutor” link in your Canvas course to see the entire schedule. Choose your campus location and view the appointment program. Students also have access to Smarthinking’s online tutor service available 24/7. Links to both services are located in all Canvas courses: “Request a Tutor” for SCC tutors and “Smarthinking.”

See locations listed below for general information about tutoring availability, times and locations, and find updated schedules on the Tutoring page on The Hub. For more information watch our Tutoring Video.


Located in the Library Resource Center

402-437-2628 Tutors are available by appointment for face-to-face or online sessions. Choose the Beatrice Tutor Center in the appointment program to see tutor availability.
Lincoln Located in B29 and B30 402-437-2627

Writing, math, computers, and other subject tutors available by walk-in or by appointment and face-to-face or online:

  • Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
  • Friday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Other subject tutors are available by appointment either face-to-face or online. Choose the Lincoln Tutor Center or the Lincoln Writing Center in the appointment program to see tutor availability.

Education Square (ESQ)


Located in Room 116 or contact the Academic Transfer Office, Suite 112


Writing, math and other subjects are available at limited times. Walk-in or by appointment and face-to-face or online available. Choose the ESQ Tutor Center in the appointment program to see tutor availability.
Milford Located on the second floor of the Library Resource Center 402-761-8443 Physics, Math and program subjects available:
  • Monday-Thursday: 4 - 5:30 p.m. or by appointment

    Choose the Milford Tutor Center in the appointment program to see tutor availability.

Smarthinking Online Tutoring

With Smarthinking, students experience online tutoring that is simple, fast and available 24 hours a day. Students can:

  • Use drop-in tutoring
  • Use scheduled tutoring
  • Submit a question
  • Submit their writing for any class (choose SCC Essay Center option)

To access Smarthinking: Log onto your Hub student account. Click on “My Courses.” Open any Canvas course. Click on the “Smarthinking” link in the left column.


Transitions helps students improve their Next-Generation ACCUPLACER test scores and to prepare for college-level coursework by offering an independent study “Quick Start” workshop to improve reading, writing, math, computer, and study skills.

How does it work?

Meet with your Admissions Counselor, College Advisor or a Transitions Academic Coach to assess your current course placement in writing and math, based on your placement test scores. Register for the Transitions “Quick Start” course to study and work with an Academic Coach and tutors. After studying a minimum of five hours, receive a waiver to re-test for free on the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER test to boost scores. Eighty-seven percent (87%) of retesters improve their scores!

The Transitions “Quick Start” is a $20 non-credit independent course (not covered by Financial Aid) that offers the opportunity to:

  • Access course materials such as online resources, instructional videos, sample tests, workshops, and tutoring
  • Connect with an Academic Coach and tutors to improve academic and study skills
  • Improve reading, writeplacer, and/or math placement test scores to meet admissions, program or graduation requirements
  • Prepare for college writing or math classes
  • Develop computer skills for college readiness

For more information visit, www.southeast.edu/tlab or call 402-437-2660.

Testing and Assessment Centers

The SCC Testing & Assessment Centers strive to provide a high-quality, secure, confidential, and friendly testing environment to meet the needs of our students. Staff provides quality service to students while promoting the academic, career and personal goals of the individuals we serve. Testing & Assessment Centers offer the following services:

Course Placement Testing

SCC administers Next-Generation ACCUPLACER tests at each campus Testing & Assessment Center to evaluate a student’s college readiness; the Next-Generation ACCUPLACER also is available at all SCC Learning Centers. The Next-Generation ACCUPLACER/ACCUPLACER/ACT/SAT tests assess individuals’ readiness for writing and mathematics courses and is a requirement for admission to Southeast Community College. The first test administered is provided at no charge to students.

Retesting is possible for individuals who believe their course placement testing results do not represent their current ability. If a student has previously tested in the last five years, a $15 retest fee must be paid in advance of the retesting session. The fee is required regardless if a person is taking one or both subtests (reading or math). Individuals who wish to take one subtest at a time may take up to five days to complete the retesting. One retest is allowed in a 30-day time period. No more than two retests are allowed within an academic year. High school students are eligible to retest at no cost.

For more information about the Next-Generation Accuplacer, contact any SCC Testing & Assessment Center.

Makeup Testing

With an instructor’s permission, the Testing & Assessment Centers may provide makeup-testing services for students who cannot attend their regularly scheduled testing date due to circumstances beyond their control.

The following procedures are implemented to ensure proper authorization for testing and identification of each examinee:

  1. All tests must have a makeup test form properly completed and attached. Testing & Assessment Center staff will follow the instructions as outlined on the makeup test form (instructions may include, but are not limited to the use of a calculator, the use of notes or other materials, specific allotted time, the opportunity to take breaks, etc.); students are encouraged to ask the staff about specific instructions.
  2. Students referred for testing must know the title or name of the test, know the instructor’s name, and present a picture ID.
  3. Completed tests will be picked up by the instructor.
  4. To ensure the integrity of testing activities, no materials may be brought into the Testing & Assessment Center without the written permission of the instructor.

Please note to ensure a positive testing environment, the following guidelines are in place:

  • Reviewing test materials prior to taking a test is not allowed in the Testing & Assessment Centers.
  • Children are not allowed in the Testing & Assessment Center. Students should make arrangements for childcare during their scheduled appointment.
  • Friends, family, and other guests waiting for a tester to complete their test will be directed to a waiting area outside of the testing area.

Test Proctoring

There is a $25 test-proctoring fee per test for students taking a test from another school or from business or industry. Contact the campus Testing & Assessment Center for information and scheduling.

The Testing & Assessment Centers also provide test proctoring for online and distance-learning classes. This service is free for students taking an SCC course. Contact the Testing & Assessment Center to schedule an appointment.

Limited proctoring services also are available at SCC Learning Centers. Contact the local Learning Center for more information.

Academic Integrity in the Testing & Assessment Centers

SCC adheres to the highest level of academic integrity possible. Testing & Assessment Center staff help to maintain this expectation by reducing the opportunity for students to attempt assistance during their testing. If, however, a student is found to be cheating in the Testing & Assessment Center, the test will be confiscated, the instructor alerted, and a Student Code of Conduct review may be initiated to determine if additional sanctions are warranted; staff will complete a CCR report to document any instances of academic dishonesty.

As part of the Testing & Assessment Center’s commitment to academic integrity and creating a positive testing environment, the following items are not allowed in the testing room:

  • personal belongings such as a book bag, purse, tote bag, etc.;
  • personal electronic devices including, but not limited to cell phones, tablets, smartwatches, portable music devices, etc.;
  • notes, textbooks, or other study aides not pre-authorized by an instructor;
  • food and drink;
  • hats or ball caps.

Testing & Assessment Center staff possess professional discretion to not allow other items that will potentially compromise the testing environment. Lockers and shelves are available to store personal belongings during testing sessions. Students are encouraged to bring minimal personal items to the Testing & Assessment Center. Please note that a photo ID is required for all testing sessions.

Career Services

From your first day on campus until the day you finish your classes, Career Services Specialists will help you achieve your career goals. The Career Services Centers on all three campuses offer information about various career fields and the types of jobs available in these areas. They also provide part-time employment listings for students who want to work while attending SCC. Southeast Community College uses College Central Network as its official job resource system where employers can post full-time, part-time, internships/co-ops, seasonal/temporary, and volunteer jobs directly to our school via SCC JobConnect at www.collegecentral.com/southeast.

Students and alumni create their individualized account profile on SCC JobConnect in order to:

  • Easily apply for jobs, internships and cooperative experience opportunities
  • Search other opportunities via Jobs Central® and Intern Central®, national job boards
  • Create and upload résumés and career portfolios for employers
  • Access SCC’s event calendar, career advice documents, podcasts, videos, and more.

Career Services provides job interview training and assistance with résumé development. In order to link SCC students with employers, the Career Services Specialists schedule on-campus interviews and employer presentations, as well as plan and host Career Fairs to bring prospective employers to SCC campuses. SCC graduates are offered lifetime career services to assist in their employment search.

Counseling Assistance Program for Students (CAPS)

SCC Counseling Assistance Programs for Students (CAPS) provides free and confidential individual and group counseling to students experiencing a variety of concerns, including stress, anxiety, depression, body image, grief, trauma, adjustment concerns, identity, substance use, relationship difficulties or personal concerns. Services are provided by licensed mental health clinicians and interns who are enrolled in master’s and/or doctoral degree counseling programs. All SCC students who are currently enrolled in credit courses are eligible to receive services regardless of the number of credit hours taken. Students can receive up to 15 individual counseling sessions and up to 10 group sessions per academic year at no cost to the student. The counseling services can be accessed by contacting the Director of Counseling Assistance Programs for Students at 402-228-8135, one of the Campus Deans of Students or any College Advisor.

CAPS also provides ongoing information about wellness, resiliency and prevention to the entire college community.

Health/Mental/Behavioral Health Disclaimer:

This publication/document/website is not considered a contract between Southeast Community College and any entity, person, student, or prospective student. The general information about health/mental/behavioral health conditions, supports, treatment, and resources is not advice, and should not be treated as such. The information is provided “as is,” and SCC makes no representations, warranties, or endorsements in relation to the information listed. Although reasonable efforts are made to present current and accurate information, SCC does not warrant that:

  1. The health/mental/behavioral health information will be constantly available, or available at all; or
  2. The information is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading.

Any links to external websites and/or non-SCC information provided on College pages is provided as a courtesy. They should not be construed as an endorsement by SCC of the content or views of the linked materials.

Professional Assistance:

  1. You must not rely on the information listed as an alternative to health/mental/behavioral health advice from your counselor, therapist, or other licensed/certified professional health care provider.
  2. If you have any specific questions about any health/mental/behavioral health matter, you should consult your counselor, therapist, or other licensed/certified professional health care provider.
  3. If you think you may have any health/mental/behavioral health condition, you should seek immediate professional attention.
  4. You should never delay seeking professional advice, disregard advice from your health care provider, or discontinue treatment because of information in SCC publications/documents or on the public website.

Additional information can be found at www.southeast.edu/caps/.

Veterans Services

Campus Veterans Services

Southeast Community College proudly offers support and coordinates services for our veterans.  Our Veterans Service Specialist is available to aid veterans, veteran dependents, and active-duty military students enrolled in or wishing to enroll in courses at SCC.

For more information about services available, visit www.southeast.edu/veterans-services/ or contact:

Arianna Prochaska
Veterans Specialist

Standards of Progress

A veteran and/or eligible person must make satisfactory progress toward an approved educational objective leading to employment. Veteran and/or eligible person Standard of Progress will be determined utilizing the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy consisting of overall grade-point average, pace, program length, maximum time for completion, attendance, and/or conduct.

SCC will provide an individualized College Financing Plan (shopping sheet) through Self-Service to prospective and current students. The Veteran Specialist or Associate Dean of Student Success will inform covered individuals of the availability of federal financial aid, not administered by VA, that is offered by the institution and connect individuals with Financial Aid for potential eligibility for other federal financial aid before packaging or arranging student loans of alternative financing. Any changes to academic program will need to be reported to the Veteran Specialist and their college advisor.

The VA requires benefit recipients to make normal progress in their course of study and meet the college’s standard of progress, which can be obtained from the registrar office.

Veterans & Military policies and procedures also apply to eligible dependents.  For more information please visit https://www.southeast.edu/veterans-services/.

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018 -Section 103

In compliance with section 103 of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Southeast Community College will not impose the following penalties to covered individuals* due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs:

  • Preventing nor delaying the student’s enrollment,
  • The assessment of late fees,
  • The denial of access to any resources such as classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities that are available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fees bills to the institution, or
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding.

To qualify for this provision, such students are required to:

  • Produce a Certificate of Eligibility for entitlement to the college Veterans Specialist.  This is required to certify course enrollments to the VA.  This should be provided no later than the first day of a course of education for which the individual has indicated they wish to use their entitlement;
  • Submit a written request to use the entitlement;
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify their enrollment as requested by the Veterans Specialist.

This provision ends on the earlier of the following dates:

  • The date on which payment from the VA is made to the institution
  • Ninety (90) days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility

*A covered individual is defined as any individual who is entitled to educational assistance under Chapter 30, Montgomery GI Bill, Chapter 31 Veteran Readiness and Employment, Chapter 33, Post 9/11 GI Bill and Chapter 35 VA education benefits for dependents and survivors GI Bill®. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

If an individual is unable to meet a financial obligation to the institution due to delayed disbursement of a payment under Chapter 31 or 33, and the amount of the disbursement is less than anticipated, the institution may require additional payment or may impose a fee for the amount. This is the difference between the amount of the financial obligation and the amount of the disbursement.

Southeast Community College 

Beatrice Campus
4771 W Scott Road
Beatrice, NE 68310-7042

Lincoln Campus
8800 O St.
Lincoln, NE 68520-1299

Milford Campus
600 State St.
Milford, NE 68405-8498

Education Square (ESQ)
1111 O St., Ste 112
Lincoln, NE  68508-3614

Entrepreneurship Center
285 S. 68th St. Place
Lincoln, NE   68510-2572

Jack J. Huck
Continuing Education Center
301 S. 68th St. Place
Lincoln, NE  68510-2449

Learning Center at Falls City
3200 Bill Schock Blvd.
Falls City, NE 68355

Learning Center at Hebron
610 Jefferson Ave.
Hebron, NE  68370-1942 

Learning Center at Nebraska City
819 Central Ave.
Nebraska City, NE 68410

Learning Center at Plattsmouth
537 Main St.
Plattsmouth, NE 68048 

Learning Center at Wahoo
536 N. Broadway
Wahoo, NE  68066

Learning Center at York
3130 Holen Ave.
York, NE 68467

Unearned Tuition Assistance Funds

Return of Tuition Assistance: Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend the school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally approved. To comply with the Department of Defense (DOD) policy, SCC will return any unearned funds on a prorated basis through at least 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending.

This policy applies to all students receiving Military Tuition Assistance for the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

Institution’s Schedule for Return of Unearned TA:
After 60% of the semester has passed, TA will not be evaluated for a return to the DOD.

8-Week Course Withdraw Submitted

Before or during Week 1                                  100% return
During Week 2                                    75% return
During Weeks 3-4                                    50% return
During Week 5                                    40% return (60% of course completed)

16-Week Course Withdraw Submitted

Before or during Weeks 1-2 100% return
During Weeks 3-4   75% return
During Weeks 5-8   50% return
During Weeks 9-10   40% return (60% of course completed)
During Weeks 11-16     0% return

5-Week Course Withdraw Submitted

Day 1-7                                                                   100% return
Day    8                                              77% return
Day    9                                              74% return
Day  10                                              71% return
Day  11                                              69% return
Day  12                                              66% return
Day  13                                              63% return
Day  14                                              60% return
Day  15                                              57% return
Day  16                                              54% return
Day  17                                              51% return
Day  18                                              49% return
Day  19                                              46% return
Day  20                                              43% return
Day  21                                              40% return (60% of course is completed)
Day  22                                                0% return

For more information about services available, visit www.southeast.edu/veterans-services/.

Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership (VITAL)

Southeast Community College partners with Veterans Integration to Academic Leadership to help provide support and information to student veterans. A representative from VITAL is available on all three SCC campuses when requested.

VITAL is a Veteran-centered, results-orientated, collaboration between the Veterans Affairs, Health Care System and higher education. VITAL strives to enhance academic retention and success.

Student Evaluation of Faculty and College Services

SCC welcomes student input and feedback for improvement in instructional methods or College services. Students are provided opportunities to evaluate their courses and instructors and other college services provided by SCC, including, but not limited to; Financial Aid, Registration, Admission, Student Activities, Child Care, Food Service, Library Services, Technology, and the overall appearance of the College. For information regarding course evaluations, please contact your Program Director, or for college services, contact the Campus Director.

Academic Accommodations

Student Accommodations Resource Office

We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations, support services and advocacy for each student with their education and collaboration with the College.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended in 2008, requires the College to make reasonable accommodations to the known physical or mental limitations of current or potential students. An accommodation is any change in the work or learning environment, or in the way things are customarily done, that enables an individual with a qualifying disability to pursue opportunities and have access to employment or programs and services offered by the College.

Southeast Community College desires to create an accessible community where individuals with disabilities have an equal opportunity to pursue their educational goals.

To this end, the College will:

  • Provide direct, reasonable accommodations and support services for individuals with disabilities.
  • Encourage self-determination, advocacy and independence for students with disabilities.
  • Provide resources, advocacy, collaborative services, and outreach throughout the College community.
  • Promote an open and welcoming environment around the College for individuals with disabilities.
  • Inform and educate the SCC community about disability-related laws, rules, regulations, and policies.

The Accommodations Resource Office at each campus location is responsible for coordinating the efforts of the College to comply with the ADA. The office is responsible for working with eligible students to provide and coordinate appropriate academic accommodations. SCC also has a TDD (Telecommunication Device for the Deaf). The phone number is 402-437-2702. Contact the Accommodations Resource Office for more information.

Contact Information for Accommodations Resource Office

Qualifying Disability

To have a qualifying disability, an individual must have a record of having a substantial impairment. A substantial impairment is one that significantly limits or restricts a major life activity such as hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, breathing, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, learning or working.

Otherwise Qualified

An individual must also be “otherwise qualified” (i.e., to be able to meet the requisite technical and academic standards.)

Basic Principles of Reasonable Accommodations

  • Individuals with qualifying disabilities must self-identify.
  • Recent documentation describing the nature of the disability is required.
  • Documentation must meet the criteria established by Southeast Community College.
  • Documentation must be supplied and requested by the individual seeking accommodations.
  • The individual must be “otherwise qualified” for a program. Once it has been documented that an individual has a qualifying disability, SCC will work with the individual to provide reasonable accommodation.

The College is only obligated to make an accommodation to the known limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability. The College is not required to provide an accommodation that is primarily for personal use. The accommodation provided need not be the most expensive or ideal accommodation, or the accommodation requested by the individual, as long as it is an effective accommodation.

Accommodations must:

  • Be appropriately related to the student’s disability/functional limitations.
  • Maintain essential elements of the course.

Accommodations must not:

  • Fundamentally alter the essential functions of a course.
  • Impose a direct threat to others.
  • Present an undue hardship.

The Decision to Self-Identify

The decision to self-identify and request reasonable accommodations is highly personal. SCC welcomes current and prospective students to discuss their disability, documentation, possible accommodations, and concerns with Accommodations Resource Office staff. If you have a disability, there is no requirement that you disclose your disability at any time. To receive accommodations in college, you must self-identify. The decision not to self-identify is understood and respected.

Consider Self-identifying and Requesting Reasonable Accommodations If:

  • You have a documented disability that significantly affects major life functions.
  • You have a temporary medical condition such as a broken bone, had surgery, or an illness lasting longer than a week.
  • You are experiencing or seeking medical treatment for an ongoing health condition.
  • You are a client of Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation, the Commission for the Blind, the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, or a related agency.
  • You received accommodations at another college or university.
  • You received services through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan in high school.

Requesting Reasonable Accommodations

  1. Obtain a copy of the Reasonable Accommodation request form. This form is available online at www.southeast.edu/reasonableaccommodations/ or in the Accommodations Resource Office on each campus.
  2. Complete, sign and date the request form and include the following:
    1. Copies of material documenting the disability.
    2. Acceptable Sources of Documentation (see below section).
  3. Submit the form, located at www.southeast.edu/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=588 and materials to the Accommodations Resource Office on the campus where you will attend classes.
    • The Accommodations Resource Office will review the provided documentation and determine if the student qualifies to receive an accommodation under the ADA.
    • Documentation must indicate the date on which the student wishes to apply the accommodation. Accommodations are not retroactive.
    • If additional documentation is required, the Accommodations Resource Office will request upon review of all other materials.
    • The Accommodations Resource Office will inform the student about the decision to provide the accommodation for the requested term.

Acceptable forms of documentation include:

  1. Statement of a specific learning or psychiatric disability or attention deficit disorder from a certified educational psychologist or medical professional.
  2. Statement from treating physician or therapist.
  3. Copies of secondary school record establishing the existence of a disability and accommodations provided at the secondary level.

Note: Secondary school records such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 plan, may help identify services that have been effective for you, but these plans do not apply at the postsecondary level and do not obligate SCC to provide the same accommodations.

  • Documentation must be supplied by the individual. It is not the responsibility or obligation of the College to pay for evaluations. However, when necessary, the College may request and will assume the cost for a second professional opinion.
  • The individual must be “otherwise qualified” for a program. The law does NOT require that core courses or essential curriculum be waived as an accommodation. However, alternatives that allow mastery of essential content may be considered.
  • Once it has been documented that an individual has a qualifying disability, SCC will work with the individual to provide reasonable accommodation.
  • The College is only obligated to make an accommodation to the known limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability.
  • The College is not required to provide an accommodation that is primarily for personal use. The reasonable accommodation obligation applies only to accommodations that reduce barriers to learning or employment related to a person’s disability.
  • The accommodation provided need not be the most expensive or ideal accommodation, or the accommodation requested by the individual as long as it is an effective accommodation.

If an Individual Qualifies:

At this time, the individual may suggest ideas for reasonable accommodation. SCC will make every reasonable effort to offer accommodation within approximately ten (10) school days.

If the accommodation is accepted, the individual and Accommodations Resource Office staff will complete the Reasonable Accommodation Agreement form.

If an Individual Qualifies but Does Not Accept the Offered Accommodation:

The individual has the right to appeal an offered accommodation they may think is unacceptable. Students are encouraged to seek resolution through an informal process before appealing an accommodation.

If an Individual Does Not Qualify:

The individual has the right to submit additional supportive documentation or appeal the decision.

Responsibility of the Individual:

  • Obtain a copy of the Request for Reasonable Accommodation form from the Accommodations Resource Office. Individuals who need accommodations should apply as early as possible.
  • Attach copies of material documenting your disability and include information about the type of accommodation provided previously.
  • Arrange for an appointment with the ADA coordinator or designee to review and submit your request. 

Responsibility of the College/Accommodations Resource Office:

  • Your request will be reviewed to determine whether reasonable accommodations can and should be provided by SCC.
  • Accommodations Resource Office staff will meet with the individual to inform them whether they qualify under ADA guidelines to receive accommodation. Written notification of the College’s decision shall also be provided to the individual.
  • If the individual does qualify, a meeting with an Accommodation Resource Office staff member will assist in learning more about the individual’s disability and to hear suggestions or ideas for reasonable accommodation.
  • For individuals who qualify, an offer of accommodation will be made in approximately ten (10) school days.

The individual has the right to accept or refuse the accommodation.

Reasonable Accommodations for Online Courses

If you have a disability, are taking classes online and would like to contact the Accommodations Resource Office for assistance, please visit the Accommodation Resource Office or complete the Student Request for Reasonable Accommodations form and fax, email, or mail it to any Accommodations Resource Office.

The Accommodations Resource Office will contact you to discuss your specific accommodation needs. Please indicate the most convenient manner by which you would like to be contacted.

Right of Appeal

  1. An individual requesting accommodation has the right to appeal the decision if the request for accommodation is denied.
  2. The individual requesting accommodation also has the right of appeal if:
    • the accommodation offered is unacceptable to them OR
    • the accommodation proves unsatisfactory, and attempts to remedy the problem are unsuccessful.

Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 Appeals/Grievances

These procedures shall also apply to appeals/grievances arising from objection to, or dissatisfaction with, actions taken by Southeast Community College with regards to requests for reasonable accommodation.

An ADA/504 Appeal/Grievance

If a student believes that an accommodation(s) is ineffective or that they have been denied equal access to appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication, and efforts to resolve the issues are unsuccessful, a student may file a grievance. Students are encouraged to seek resolution of the grievance through the informal process before filing a formal grievance. However, students may use the College’s formal grievance procedure to appeal decisions regarding student accommodations and may do so without first going through the College’s informal grievance process.

The student has:

  • Experienced disparate or unequal treatment;
  • Been discriminated against because of a disability; or
  • Has not been provided a requested accommodation.

Note: Remedies under this Appeals/Grievance Procedure are corrective steps, measures to provide a reasonable accommodation or to reverse the effects of any discrimination and to ensure proper ongoing treatment.

For a complete explanation of the appeal processes at SCC, consult the Dean of Students at your campus location. Students needing reasonable accommodations to access or participate in the appeal process should contact the Dean of Students at their campus location for additional information and assistance.

Confidentiality & Privacy

Accommodations Resource Office keeps all records and the documentation of students with disabilities confidential. Any information regarding a student’s disability and accompanying documentation is confidential and protected by law under the Family Education Records Privacy Act (FERPA), the ADA, and §504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Presence & Use of Animals at SCC Facilities and Events

Bonafide service animals may accompany students, employees and visitors with disabilities to all SCC events, activities and locations. Local, state and federal laws regulate the use of service animals at SCC locations and/or events. Animals associated with a College-related Program of Study (e.g. livestock) or research laboratory activity (e.g. livestock, mice) are not covered by these guidelines. Please contact the Accommodations Resource Office on your campus for the complete administrative guidelines document for clarification and/or additional information regarding the presence and use of animals at SCC locations and events.

Contact Information for Accommodations Resource Office: