Feb 10, 2025
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Academic Transfer, Electives List
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- ACCT 1200 - Principles of Accounting I Credits: 3
- ACCT 1210 - Principles of Accounting II Credits: 3
- ACFS 1015 - Success@SCC Credits: 1
- AGRI 1131 - Crop & Food Science Credits: 3
- AGRI 1141 - Livestock Management Credits: 4
- AGRI 1153 - Soils & Plant Nutrition Credits: 4
- AGRI 1177 - Companion Animals Credits: 3
- AGRI 1257 - Live Animal Selection & Carcass Evaluation Credits: 2
- AGRI 1258 - Introduction to Meats Credits: 2
- ANTH 1020 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Credits: 3
- ANTH 1120 - General Anthropology Credits: 3
- ARTS 1010 - Introduction to the Visual Arts Credits: 3
- ARTS 1050 - Introduction to Art History & Criticism I Credits: 3
- ARTS 1060 - Introduction to Art History & Criticism II Credits: 3
- ARTS 1110 - Beginning Drawing I Credits: 3
- ARTS 1120 - Beginning Drawing II Credits: 3
- ARTS 1210 - 2-Dimensional Design Credits: 3
- ARTS 1220 - 3-Dimensional Design Credits: 3
- ARTS 1330 - Beginning Ceramics I Credits: 3
- ARTS 1340 - Beginning Ceramics II Credits: 3
- ARTS 2510 - Beginning Painting I Credits: 3
- ARTS 2520 - Beginning Painting II Credits: 3
- ARTS 2650 - Introduction to Native American Art Credits: 3
- ARTS 2750 - Women in Art Credits: 3
- ARTS 2850 - History of Photography Credits: 3
- BIOS 1010 - General Biology Credits: 4
- BIOS 1030 - Environmental Biology Credits: 3
- BIOS 1090 - General Botany Credits: 4
- BIOS 1120 - Introduction to Zoology Credits: 4
- BIOS 1140 - Human Anatomy & Lab Credits: 4
- BIOS 1400 - Biology I Credits: 4
- BIOS 1410 - Biology II Credits: 4
- BIOS 2130 - Human Physiology & Lab Credits: 4
- BIOS 2200 - Principles of Ecology Credits: 4
- BIOS 2250 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I Credits: 4
- BIOS 2260 - Human Anatomy & Physiology II Credits: 4
- BIOS 2410 - General Genetics Credits: 4
- BIOS 2460 - Microbiology Credits: 4
- BIOT 1400 - Introduction to Biotechnology I w/Lab Credits: 4
- BIOT 2400 - Introduction to Biotechnology II w/Lab Credits: 4
- BIOT 2441 - Quality Assurance for Biosciences Credits: 3
- BIOT 2443 - Manufacturing and Production Credits: 3
- BIOT 2445 - Molecular Biology Techniques Credits: 4
- BIOT 2446 - Cell Culture Techniques Credits: 3
- BIOT 2450 - Current Topics in Biotech Credits: 3
- BIOT 2452 - Bioinformatics Credits: 3
- BIOT 2454 - Biotechnology in Forensics Credits: 3
- BIOT 2500 - Applied Biosciences: Practicum Credits: 3
- BSAD 1010 - Microsoft Applications I Credits: 3
- BSAD 1020 - Microsoft Applications II & Data Analytics Credits: 3
- BSAD 1050 - Introduction to Business Credits: 3
- BSAD 1090 - Business Law I Credits: 3
- BSAD 2170 - Applied Statistics Credits: 3
OR - MATH 2170 - Applied Statistics Credits: 3
- BSAD 2430 - Marketing Communications Credits: 3
- BSAD 2520 - Principles of Marketing Credits: 3
- BSAD 2540 - Principles of Management Credits: 3
- CHEM 1050 - Chemistry and the Citizen Credits: 4
- CHEM 1090 - General Chemistry I Credits: 4
- CHEM 1100 - General Chemistry II Credits: 4
- CHEM 2510 - Organic Chemistry I Credits: 4
- CHEM 2520 - Organic Chemistry II Credits: 4
- CHEM 2550 - Biological Organic Chemistry Credits: 3
- CHIN 1010 - Beginning Chinese I Credits: 5
- CHIN 1020 - Beginning Chinese II Credits: 5
- CHIN 2010 - Second-year Chinese I Credits: 3
- CHIN 2020 - Second-year Chinese II Credits: 3
- CRIM 1010 - Introduction to Criminal Justice Credits: 3
- CRIM 1020 - Introduction to Corrections Credits: 3
- CRIM 1030 - Courts & the Judicial Process Credits: 3
- CRIM 2030 - Police and Society Credits: 3
- CRIM 2080 - Criminal Procedures Credits: 3
- CRIM 2100 - Juvenile Justice Credits: 3
- CRIM 2200 - Criminology Credits: 3
- CSCI 1010 - Introduction to Computer Science Credits: 3
- CSCI 1550 - Computer Science I Credits: 4
- DDRT 1120 - Basic Computer Aided Drafting Credits: 2
- ECED 1130 - Social-Emotional Development and Behavior Guidance Credits: 3
- ECED 2070 - Family and Community Relationships Credits: 3
- ECON 1200 - Personal Finance Credits: 3
- ECON 2110 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credits: 3
- ECON 2120 - Principles of Microeconomics Credits: 3
- EDUC 1110 - Introduction to Professional Education Credits: 3
- EDUC 1610 - Teaching Matters Credits: 3
- EDUC 1700 - Professional Practicum I Credits: 1
- EDUC 2300 - Introduction to Special Education Credits: 3
- EDUC 2590 - Instructional Technology Credits: 3
- EDUC 2970 - Professional Practicum Experiences II Credits: 2
- ENGL 1010H - Composition I Honors Credits: 4
- ENGL 1020 - English Composition II Credits: 3
- ENGL 1020H - Composition II Honors Credits: 3
- ENGL 1110 - Business Communications Credits: 3
- ENGL 1510 - Introduction to Creative Writing Credits: 3
- ENGL 2050 - Modern Fiction Credits: 3
- ENGL 2100 - Introduction to Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2140 - Introduction to Shakespeare Credits: 3
- ENGL 2150 - Introduction to Women’s Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2160 - Children’s Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2165 - Young Adult Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2200 - Science Fiction Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2210 - American Literature from 1865 Credits: 3
- ENGL 2220 - British Literature Post-1800 Credits: 3
- ENGL 2440 - African American Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2450 - Native American Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2460 - Latinx Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2470 - Asian American Literature Credits: 3
- ENGL 2520 - Fiction Writing Credits: 3
- ENGL 2530 - Poetry Writing Credits: 3
- ENGL 2560 - Technical Writing Credits: 3
- ENGL 2980 - Special Topics in Literature Credits: 3
- ENGR 1010 - Engineering Design Credits: 3
- ENGR 1020 - MATLAB Programming and Problem Solving Credits: 3
- ENGR 2010 - Introduction to Circuits and Electronics Credits: 4
- ENGR 2020 - Engineering Statics Credits: 3
- ENTR 1050 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Credits: 3
- FSDT 1350 - Basic Nutrition Credits: 3
- GEOG 1000 - Exploring Our World: Fundamentals of Geospatial Science Credits: 3
- GEOG 1020 - World Regional Geography Credits: 3
- GEOG 1400 - Human Geography Credits: 3
- GEOG 1500 - Physical Geography Credits: 4
- GEOL 1010 - Physical Geology Credits: 4
- GEOL 1060 - Environmental Geology Credits: 3
- GERM 1010 - Beginning German I Credits: 5
- GERM 1020 - Beginning German II Credits: 5
- GERM 2010 - Second Year German I Credits: 3
- GERM 2020 - Second Year German II Credits: 3
- GERM 2100 - Accelerated Second-Year German Credits: 6
- GLST 2980 - Global Studies Credits: 3
- HIST 1000 - Western Tradition to 1500 Credits: 3
- HIST 1010 - Western Tradition since 1500 Credits: 3
- HIST 2010 - American History I Credits: 3
- HIST 2020 - American History II Credits: 3
- HIST 2100 - World History to 1500 CE Credits: 3
- HIST 2110 - World History since 1500 CE Credits: 3
- HIST 2450 - History of the Civil War and Reconstruction Credits: 3
- HIST 2510 - History of Rome Credits: 3
- HIST 2604 - World War II Credits: 3
- HIST 2790 - 2799 - Special Topics in History Credits: 4.5
- HIST 2960 - Survey of African American History Credits: 3
- HLTH 1030 - Structure and Function of the Human Body Credits: 4
- HLTH 1060 - Comprehensive Medical Terminology Credits: 3
- HLTH 1070 - Pathophysiology through the Lifespan Credits: 4
- HMRS 1102 - Counseling Theories & Techniques Credits: 3
- HMRS 1105 - Critical Thinking in Human Services Credits: 3
- HMRS 1320 - Multicultural Competency Credits: 3
- HMRS 1403 - Assessment, Case Planning/Management & Professional Ethics for A & D Credits: 3
- HMRS 1404 - Introduction to Social Work Credits: 3
- HUMS 1100 - Introduction to Humanities Credits: 3
- HUMS 1200 - Contemporary Arts & Ideas Credits: 3
- JOUR 1810 - Introduction to Mass Media Credits: 3
- JOUR 1820 - Media Writing Credits: 3
- JOUR 1840 - Advanced Media Writing Credits: 3
- JOUR 1850 - Citizen Journalism and Social Media Credits: 3
- JOUR 1860 - Sports Journalism Credits: 3
- JOUR 2750 - Photojournalism Credits: 3
- JOUR 2780 - Public Relations Credits: 3
- MATH 1150 - College Algebra Credits: 3
- MATH 1200 - Trigonometry Credits: 3
- MATH 1300 - Pre-calculus Credits: 5
- MATH 1400 - Applied Calculus Credits: 3
- MATH 1600 - Analytic Geometry & Calculus I Credits: 5
- MATH 1700 - Calculus & Analytic Geometry II Credits: 5
- MATH 2030 - Contemporary Mathematics Credits: 3
- MATH 2070 - Using Math to Understand Our World Credits: 3
- MATH 2080 - Calculus & Analytic Geometry III Credits: 4
- Credits: 3
OR - Credits: 3
- MATH 2200 - Differential Equations Credits: 3
- MATH 2350 - Math in the City Credits: 3
- MEDA 1101 - Basic Medical Terminology Credits: 1.5
- MUSC 1010 - Introduction to Music (Music Appreciation) Credits: 3
- MUSC 1015/1020, 2010/2020 - Individual Instruction in Voice Credits: 1 each
- MUSC 1261 - Guitar I Credits: 1
- MUSC 1271 - Guitar II Credits: 1
- MUSC 1410/1420, 2390/2400 - College Choir Credits: 1 each
- MUSC 1430/1440, 2430/2440 - Vocal Ensemble: After the Storm Credits: 1 each
- MUSC 1610 - Music Theory I Credits: 4
- MUSC 1611 - Individual Instruction in Music Theory Module I Credits: 2
- MUSC 1612 - Individual Instruction in Music Theory Module II Credits: 2
- MUSC 1620 - Music Theory II Credits: 4
- MUSC 1630 - Music Theory III Credits: 4
- MUSC 1640 - Music Theory IV Credits: 4
- MUSC 2520/2530, 2540/2550 - Individual Instruction in Piano Credits: 1 each
- MUSC 2521/2531, 2541/2551 - Individual Instruction in Strings Credits: 1 each
- MUSC 2750 - Introduction to American Music Credits: 3
- MUSC 2800 - Introduction to World Music Credits: 3
- MUSC 2870 - History of Rock Music Credits: 3
- OFFT 1310 - Office Accounting Credits: 3
- OFFT 2120 - Business Communication Strategies Credits: 3
- PHED 1000 - Lifetime Wellness Credits: 3
- PHED 1015 - Introduction to Health Credits: 3
- PHED 1030/2030/2035/2040 - Physical Fitness Activities Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1060 - Fitness Throughout Life Credits: 2
- PHED 1300/2300, 1310/2310 - Intercollegiate Golf Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1305/2305, 1315/2315 - (Men) Cross Country Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1320/2320, 1330/2330 - (Men) Intercollegiate Basketball Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1325/2325, 1335/2335 - (Women) Cross Country Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1340/2340, 1350/2350 - (Women) Intercollegiate Basketball Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1360/2360, 1370/2370 - Intercollegiate Volleyball Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1380/2380, 1390/2390 - Intercollegiate Baseball Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1385/2385, 1395/2395 - Intercollegiate Softball Credits: 1 each
- PHED 1600 - Introduction to Recreation Credits: 3
- PHED 1610 - Standard First Aid Credits: 3
- PHED 1750 - Introduction to Physical Education Credits: 3
- PHED 1800 - Physical Education in the Elementary School Credits: 3
- PHED 2010/2020 - Officiating Sports Credits: 2 each
- PHIL 1010 - Introduction to Philosophy Credits: 3
- PHIL 1060 - Applied Ethics Credits: 3
- PHIL 1100 - Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking Credits: 3
- PHIL 2110 - Introduction to Modern Logic Credits: 3
- PHIL 2130 - Bioethics Credits: 3
- PHIL 2250 - Environmental Ethics Credits: 3
- Credits: 3
OR - Credits: 3
- PHIL 2650 - Philosophy of Religion Credits: 3
- PHOT 1750 - Beginning Photography Credits: 3
- PHOT 1760 - Digital Photography and Creative Imaging Credits: 3
- PHOT 1850 - Citizen Journalism and Social Media Credits: 3
- PHOT 2750 - Photojournalism Credits: 3
- PHYS 1030 - Astronomy Credits: 4
- PHYS 1100 - Physical Science Credits: 4
- PHYS 1130 - Selected Topics in Astronomy Credits: 3
- PHYS 1150 - Descriptive Physics Credits: 4
- PHYS 1410 - Elementary General Physics I Credits: 5
- PHYS 1420 - Elementary General Physics II Credits: 5
- PHYS 2110 - General Physics I Credits: 5
- PHYS 2120 - General Physics II Credits: 5
- PHYS 2130 - General Physics III Credits: 4
- POLS 1000 - American Government Credits: 3
- POLS 1040 - Comparative Politics Credits: 3
- POLS 1080 - Introduction to Political Science Credits: 3
- POLS 1600 - International Relations Credits: 3
- POLS 2020 - State & Local Government Credits: 3
- POLS 2300 - Political Parties Credits: 3
- POLS 2750 - Political Communication Credits: 3
- PSYC 1250 - Interpersonal Relations Credits: 3
- PSYC 1810 - Introduction to Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYC 2510 - Adolescent Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYC 2630 - Cognitive Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYC 2710 - Positive Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYC 2730 - Brain & Behavior Credits: 3
- PSYC 2870 - Psychology of the Personality Credits: 3
- PSYC 2880 - Social Psychology Credits: 3
- PSYC 2960 - Life-span Human Development Credits: 3
- PSYC 2970 - Introduction to Psychological Research Credits: 3
- PSYC 2980 - Abnormal Psychology Credits: 3
- SIGN 1010 - Beginning American Sign Language I Credits: 4
- SIGN 1020 - Beginning American Sign Language II Credits: 4
- SIGN 2010 - Second Year American Sign Language I (ASL) Credits: 4
- SIGN 2020 - Second Year American Sign Language II (ASL) Credits: 4
- SOCI 1010 - Introduction to Sociology Credits: 3
- SOCI 1020 - Diversity in Society Credits: 3
- SOCI 2000 - Women in Contemporary Society Credits: 3
- SOCI 2010 - Social Problems Credits: 3
- SOCI 2150 - Issues of Unity and Diversity Credits: 3
- SOCI 2250 - Marriage and the Family Credits: 3
- SOCI 2260 - Parenting Credits: 3
- SPAN 1010 - Beginning Spanish I Credits: 5
- SPAN 1020 - Beginning Spanish II Credits: 5
- SPAN 2010 - Second-year Spanish I Credits: 3
- SPAN 2020 - Second-year Spanish II Credits: 3
- SPAN 2030 - Intensive Conversation Credits: 3
- SPAN 2040 - Intensive Writing Credits: 3
- SPAN 2100 - Accelerated Second-year Spanish Credits: 6
- SPCH 1090 - Fundamentals of Human Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 1110 - Public Speaking Credits: 3
- SPCH 2050 - Oral Performance of Literature Credits: 3
- SPCH 2100 - Communicating in Groups and Teams Credits: 3
- SPCH 2110 - Intercultural Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 2750 - Political Communication Credits: 3
- SPCH 2810 - Business and Professional Communication Credits: 3
- THEA 1010 - Introduction to Theatre Credits: 3
- THEA 1140 - Basic Acting Credits: 3
- THEA 1850/1860 - Theatre Production Credits: 2
- THEA 1851/1861 - Theatre Practicum Credits: 1, 2, 3
- THEA 2130 - Film Appreciation Credits: 3
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