Computer and Information Technology
The Hub/Canvas
The Hub
The Hub ( is SCC’s internal portal and is designed to support your enrollment and give you direct access to all of the tools and information you will need to be successful at SCC. The Hub has numerous useful features including:
- access to WebAdvisor for course registration and schedule changes, personal information updates, and academic planning
- access to Canvas for online classes and communication/course content for face-to-face classes
- access to your official SCC email account (your email address will be:
- notifications of important information for students, including Regroup, the Emergency/School Closing messaging service
- access on and off campus to all library databases and Films on Demand
- access to important College information, including campus events, important announcements, and a link to individual notifications
- access to file a TIPS report
- a link to “What Do You Think” online course evaluations
Canvas is SCC’s Learning Management System for teaching and learning. On Canvas, instructors can distribute course materials, post grades, communicate with students, build assessments, and much more for students enrolled in courses. Students can access their courses in Canvas via The Hub, SCC’s internal portal, or go to If you need technical assistance with Canvas, click on Help within Canvas on the bottom of the left-hand side global navigation to connect with Canvas Support 24/7 via chat, email, or phone.
SCC Mobile App
The College offers students, faculty and staff access to a variety of services via its mobile app. The SCC Mobile App is the official mobile application of Southeast Community College. It puts helpful and useful SCC information at your fingertips! Stay connected with features that include:
- View and access your courses
- Check your grades
- Pay your bill
- Access Canvas course resources
- Receive notifications about important announcements
- View campus maps to help you figure out where you are and where you need to go
- Access important phone numbers
- See events
- See news
- Access The Hub
- Access the Help Desk
Southeast Community College Helpdesk is committed to your success and we want you to have the best possible experience while you are attending SCC. Our Website ( provides important information, from understanding your SCC ID and Username, password requirements, logging onto the SCC Open Wireless Internet and links to Online Trainings. During our normal business hours, via the Helpdesk website you can Chat with our Helpdesk Staff who are ready to assist and help you on your SCC journey.
Communication & Emails
SCC provides students with a great deal of accessible technology. Students are eligible for Office 365 Education free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Each student is provided an SCC email account that will be the preferred method of communication for students. The account also provides students with 1 TB of free OneDrive storage on the Office 365 cloud environment. Once the student successfully logs into The Hub, the Office 365 email account link will take them to access their account. Students needing more information should visit our Helpdesk website at
Acceptable Use of Information Technology
Southeast Community College supports a climate of trust and respect and does not customarily read, monitor, or screen electronic information resources. However, complete confidentiality or privacy of data, email or other information transmitted or stored cannot be guaranteed due to the nature of the medium, the need for authorized staff to maintain the systems, and the College’s accountability as a publicly funded institution.
When appropriate and needed, the College President may authorize access in various circumstances including, but not limited to:
- situations involving the health or safety of people or property;
- possible violations of the Use of Information Technology policy or other College regulations or policies;
- possible violations of state or federal laws;
- subpoenas and court orders;
- other legal responsibilities or obligations of the College;
- when there is suspected activity that may be harmful to another user, to the campus systems and/or network, or,
- the need to locate, review, or secure information related to College business.
Students should be aware that certain aspects of their privacy relating to academic records are governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Details of FERPA are available on the SCC Website:
A synopsis can also be found on the Department of Education website:
User Responsibility and Account Ownership:
- Users shall not allow other individuals to access/share/use their SCC assigned network, email, or other College-based account information. Employees and students are individually responsible for the proper use of their assigned accounts, and are accountable for all activity associated with the account.
- Users are responsible for safeguarding their assigned accounts and are expected to take proper steps to ensure the integrity of their accounts. This includes, but is not limited to, setting up strong passwords, ensuring credentials are not saved or posted in a place accessible to others, making sure computers are properly locked or logged off when not in use, and by immediately reporting any notice of unauthorized access to the IT Helpdesk.
- Users are expected to support an educational environment free from harassment and discrimination as described in the Student Code of Conduct and the College Handbook.
- Users are expected to utilize technology in a manner that will not impede the College mission or the daily business of the College.
- Users are expected to access information that is needed in the context of the performance of their normal duties and to exercise good judgment in the use of such information; particularly, in confidential or demographic data, which pertains to students, employees, and/or College operations.
- Users are expected to be knowledgeable of, and to perform their duties in compliance with, federal, state, and local laws and College policies, including the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) designed to protect the confidentiality of data and the privacy of individuals.
- Employees who supervise students, control electronic equipment, or otherwise have occasion to observe student use of Information Technology equipment shall make reasonable efforts to monitor the use of this equipment to ensure that it conforms to the mission and goals of SCC.
Use of College Resources:
SCC’s Information Technology resources, including the network, are intended for the audience noted above and are to be used in the course of official work, study, and/or research. From time to time, SCC will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are consistent with the acceptable use practice. Acceptable and unacceptable uses of SCC’s Information Technology resources include, but are not limited to, the items outlined below.
Acceptable Use:
- Use of the Internet should be in support of educational and operational objectives consistent with the mission and objectives of Southeast Community College.
- Users should follow proper codes of conduct in electronic communication, including exhibiting exemplary behavior on the network as a representative of our institution.
- Individual credentials are to be used only by the user they are assigned to for authorized purposes and shall not be shared with others.
- All hardware that connects to the SCC network must be installed by an IT staff member.
- Users accessing the SCC network from a remote computer are expected to adhere to the same policies and procedures that apply to use from within SCC facilities.
- SCC’s Information Technology resources are intended to be used for College-related business. Occasional and prudent personal use is permitted so long as it does not compromise the functioning of College network and computing resources, interfere with College operations, conflict or interfere with an employee’s performance, interfere with the rights or reasonable expectations of another person, involve additional cost or expense to the College, violate any other College policy.
Unacceptable Use
- SCC’s network and resources shall not be used to threaten, harass, intimidate or degrade others. This includes, but is not limited to, electronically transmitting or reproducing materials that are slanderous, defamatory or discriminatory in nature or that otherwise violate existing laws or Southeast Community College policies and mission.
- Users shall not intentionally seek information on, obtain copies of, or modify files, other data, or passwords belonging to other users, neither should they share with nor allow other individuals to use their SCC-assigned network, email, or other College-based account information.
- SCC’s network may not be used for commercial/for-profit purposes, product advertisement or political lobbying.
- Users shall not knowingly or carelessly perform an act that could interfere with the normal operation of computers, terminals, peripherals, or networks. This includes, but is not limited to, downloading excessive amounts, transferring excessive amounts across the network, propagating viruses or worms, using the campus network to gain unauthorized access to any computer system or attempting to circumvent data protection schemes or uncover security loopholes.
- Users shall not install any software, including shareware and freeware, for use on SCC’s computers without prior approval from appropriate IT staff.
- SCC’s network and resources may not be used for downloading entertainment software or other files not related to the mission and objectives of SCC for transfer to a user’s home computer, personal computer, or other media. This prohibition pertains to freeware, shareware, copyrighted commercial and non-commercial software, exchanging digital copies of music files and all other forms of software and files not directly related to the instructional and administrative purposes of SCC.
- SCC’s network and resources may not be used for downloading, copying, otherwise duplicating, and/or distributing copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner, except that duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication and/or distribution would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the United States Copyright Law (Title 17, USC).
- Use of SCC’s network for any unlawful purpose is prohibited including, but not limited to, gambling, pornography, sharing explicit sexual content, cyberbullying, fraud.
Abuse/Misuse of Resources
Students violating the Southeast Community College Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy and associated procedures may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion from the College.
Computer Labs and Access
Computers are available for student use at each campus. Computers are located in the computer labs, classrooms, residence halls, and Library Resource Centers. SCC provides licensed software on its computers for students use and training and asks students not to use software other than what is already installed on the SCC machines. Students are not to modify the computers’ directory structure in any way. Students who do not abide by SCC Acceptable use of Information Technology Procedures will be subject to penalties as outlined. For further information, see
Classroom use of cell phones and personal electronic hand-held devices (e.g., tablets, laptop computers, portable video games, iPods, MP3 players, etc.) that are not pre-authorized by the instructor for instructional purposes is prohibited. Violation of this policy may lead to a Student Code of Conduct review.
Copyright -Digital Copying Law
Copyright Law
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, U.S. Code) governs the reproduction of copyrighted materials, including publications, computer software, audio music, video, and audiovisual materials. It is the responsibility of the student when using SCC equipment such as photocopy machines and computers, to adhere to these guidelines. For more information on copyright law, visit the campus Library Resource Center (LRC).
Copyright Infringement & Computer/Internet Violations
In compliance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act, any unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject students to civil and criminal liabilities. If students reproduce or offer full-length sound recordings for download without the authorization of the copyright owner, they are in violation of federal copyright law and could face civil as well as criminal penalties and an initiation of a Student Code of Conduct Review. For further information, see
Software/Sound Recording Piracy
Unauthorized duplication, distribution or use of someone else’s intellectual property, including computer software, constitutes copyright infringement and is illegal and subject to both civil and criminal penalties. The ease of this illegal online behavior causes many computer users to forget the seriousness of the offense.
Another form of copyright infringement is the unauthorized duplication and distribution of sound recordings. Online piracy is increasing as many people use the Internet to illegally distribute digital audio files. It is a felony to reproduce or distribute illegal copies of copyrighted software or sound recordings.
Viewing pornography on SCC public-access computers, such as those in hallways, student common areas, residence halls, computer labs or the Library Resource Center, is considered sexual harassment and is prohibited. If a class assignment requires any type of research on pornography, students must provide written authorization from the course instructor to the LRC or computer lab staff. Staff will then direct authorized students to a secured location for researching the subject.
Class Assignment Exception to Computer Usage Restriction: In the rare instance that an instructor may include viewing pornography as part of a legitimate research assignment for a class, the following rules must be followed prior to using College-owned computers or College-owned Internet connections to conduct such research.
- The instructor must provide each student with the specific assignment in writing. This document authorizes a student to access Internet sites that would otherwise be prohibited.
- To access the restricted sites on a College-owned computer or College-owned Internet connection, the student must first clear such access with the LRC staff or the computer lab attendant in the area where the computer is located. Students must provide the LRC staff their name, SCC ID card, and term of the course.
The student who is expected to use a computer for these purposes must do so in a discrete location to minimize incidental viewing of restricted sites and materials by others in the immediate area.
NOTE: Failure to comply with these expectations may result in disciplinary action, which may include being suspended or expelled from the College.
Computer Use Violations Suspected or alleged violation of this policy should be reported immediately.
Residence Hall Data Network Acceptable Use Policy
Southeast Community College provides resident housing students with connections within each room to the campus data network providing Internet access. The Internet access is a privilege that can be revoked if the terms of this policy are violated. Student’s acknowledgment of reading the Residence Life Handbook via the online Residence Life Handbook Agreement form along with their use of the SCC-provided network access indicates their acceptance of the policies outlined in the College catalog and this handbook, as well as their responsibility to use the connection appropriately and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. SCC Residence Life and Information Technology Services reserves the right to modify, change and revise this document as necessary without permission or consent of the users.
NOTICE: All computer usage expectations apply to student computers on any SCC network.
Legal Download Options for Residence Hall Students
SCC does not block legal download sites providing residence hall students the opportunity to purchase audio, video, and/or games using the SCC Housing Data Network. Examples of vendors who sell music or subscriptions to music are: iTunes, Napster, Puretracks, f.y.e., eMusic, Spotify, Pandora,, etc. It will be the student’s responsibility to provide evidence of ownership and/or license for anything downloaded using the SCC Housing Data Network. SCC does use bandwidth shaping and traffic monitoring tools to deter peer-to-peer and unauthorized downloads.
Recording Devices
The use of cell phones or electronic devices (e.g., iPad) that are capable of capturing and sending images is strictly prohibited in all locker rooms. “Locker Room” is defined to include any designated area/room/facility where students or employees can change clothes and which contains lockers or temporary storage for clothing and personal possessions. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action and may be reported to law enforcement officials. Suspected violators of this ban should be reported immediately to the Campus Director or Dean of Students.