Sep 11, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The SCC CORE - General Education Requirements

SCC Core Mission

General Education at Southeast Community College supports the College’s mission of empowering and transforming our diverse learners by providing students with transferrable, broad-based skills and knowledge, preparing them to acquire new competencies, broaden their perspectives, adapt to the needs of a changing society and participate responsibly in local, national. and global communities. The SCC Core consists of a set of student learning outcomes aimed at the development of knowledge and skills beyond those specific to an occupation and at academic, personal, and social growth. The courses that make up the SCC Core support these student learning outcomes.

SCC Core Requirements

Every program of study requires students to build a foundation of General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs) through courses in the SCC Core as well as required program classes. To complete an associate degree, students must successfully complete a minimum of 15 semester credits from the SCC Core. Because program requirements vary, students should contact a program advisor to assist with the selection of Core courses which will meet their program’s graduation requirements. Not all courses in the SCC Core will meet requirements for all programs. See the appropriate program’s page in the Catalog and your advisor for program specific requirements. Transfer students should work closely with an advisor and the school to which they plan to transfer to make the most appropriate selections based on degree goals.

Students seeking an associate degree are required to take at least one Speech Communication and one Written Communication course, plus one course from three of the other four SCC Core general education (GELOs) areas.

Those in an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Science program program must complete five courses from the six Core general education areas (GELOs). Those in a diploma program must complete one course from two of the six Core areas. Certificate programs may or may not require a General Education course. Please refer to the Program of study for the certificate program you are interested in.

A single course may be used to fill only one Core requirement.

SCC Core General Education Learning Outcomes (GELOs)

GELO #1: Speech Communication

Effective communication skills are the bedrock of successful, fulfilling personal and professional relationships. Students graduating from SCC will have had opportunities to explore their own communicative behaviors and skills. They will have learned and practiced research, writing and presentation skills (both verbal and nonverbal) which will enable them to present informed, organized information in an ethical, engaging manner to different types of audiences, in various contexts. They also have developed critical listening and thinking skills, which are applicable to personal and professional contexts.


  1. Develop a central idea for presentations.
  2. Organize information clearly and logically, in an outline format, citing sources when appropriate.
  3. Assess an audience and situation so as to adapt verbal and nonverbal messages to best meet the needs and expectations of the audience.
  4. Competently communicate messages - both verbally and nonverbally - to a variety of audience types and in a variety of situations.
  5. Utilize active and critical listening behaviors.

Courses to meet these outcomes:

GELO #2: Written Communication

Effective written communication includes an awareness of the social nature of communication, including dialogs that occur outside of the classroom. SCC students will have developed the ability to express focused, coherent, and organized original ideas and to analyze, evaluate, and respond to writing in a variety of contexts.


  1. Comprehend, analyze, and evaluate a given text.
  2. Develop a focused thesis statement and write with a clear purpose, using relevant examples, claims, and evidence.
  3. Identify and evaluate evidence from a variety of printed, visual, and electronic sources.
  4. Use format, content and style appropriate to a given audience and situation.
  5. Read and write in mechanically-sound, college-level English.

Courses to meet these outcomes:

GELO #3: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving

Critical thinkers have the ability to evaluate a problem or assumption and determine an appropriate course of action. They use reason and evidence to make judgments and decisions. Critical thinking and problem solving skills rank highly among employer expectations.


  1. Collect, identify, interpret and analyze data.
  2. Synthesize information to arrive at reasoned solutions to problems.
  3. Evaluate ideas presented in writing, media, speech, or artistic presentations.
  4. Evaluate the validity of arguments, alternatives, data, outcomes, and/or impacts of actions.
  5. Acquire and integrate knowledge and construct relationships across disciplines.

Courses to meet these outcomes:

GELO #4: Global Awareness and Citizenship

In today’s increasingly global society, educated citizens must possess a sensitivity to and awareness of global issues and the differences and similarities across diverse communities and cultures. SCC students will broaden their understanding of peoples and cultures in the United States and around the world to enhance their ability to be good global citizens.


  1. Demonstrate awareness and knowledge of U.S. history and culture as it relates to race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and culture.
  2. Explain the connections between historical and recent events and current global situations related to political systems, economic systems, social systems, and /or environmental issues.
  3. Function effectively in multicultural settings.
  4. Discuss issues from a global perspective.
  5. Identify and evaluate different theoretical or philosophical perspectives and their relevance to ethical decision-making.

Courses to meet these outcomes:

GELO #5: Analytical, Quantitative, and Scientific Reasoning

A primary way of knowing and making sense of our world comes from the analysis of quantitative and scientific information. SCC students will have developed the ability to examine problems or issues by evaluating evidence, analyzing relationships between variables, and developing and communicating conclusions.


  1. Apply mathematical and scientific methods to solve problems from an array of contexts and everyday situations.
  2. Understand and create logical arguments supported by quantitative and scientific evidence and communicate those arguments in a variety of formats.
  3. Effectively develop strategies, algorithms, or experiments (or perform experiments) to better describe systems or solve problems.
  4. Manipulate formulas, data sets, graphs, tables, etc. in a way to produce a meaningful outcome.

Courses to meet these outcomes:

GELO #6: Career and Life Skills

At the heart of the SCC Core is a philosophy that our graduates will leave SCC with both a well-rounded, broad-based education and a set of skills that will set them up for success and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.


  1. Employ effective interpersonal and intrapersonal communication skills.
  2. Acquire entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
  3. Demonstrate financial literacy.
  4. Use digital technology effectively to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and present information.
  5. Develop knowledge and habits that will foster physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, and environmental wellness.
  6. Develop skills that will support positive and fulfilling relationships with others.
  7. Demonstrate choices that reflect personal responsibility in one’s academic, civic, social, and vocational/professional life.

Courses to meet these outcomes: