2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Computer Information Technology
Lincoln Campus (some courses online)
Program Overview
New students are accepted into the Computer Information Technology program in both the Fall and Spring semesters.
Face-to-face classroom courses are offered day and evening. Many, but not all, courses are available online. Students who are unable to attend day classes can complete all degree requirements taking a combination of evening and online courses.
Students attending full-time can complete the degree in two years. The program welcomes part-time students who choose to carry a lighter load and take longer to complete the degree.
Applications Development Overview
The Applications Development degree trains students to design and code software applications on different computer platforms (PC, web, mobile). Students experience hands-on training in Java, C#.NET, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, SQL, ASP, and JSP. Graduates code PC applications, program behind the scenes of web sites, create mobile apps, or develop enterprise-wide software solutions commonly used in business and industry.
Students attending full-time can complete the Associate of Applied Science degree in two years and the Diploma in one. The program welcomes part-time students who choose to carry a lighter load and take longer to complete the degree. The Diploma is a stackable credential into the Associate of Applied Science degree.
The Applications Development, AAS degree prepares students for a wide variety of rewarding careers, such as Applications Developer, Software Engineer, Web Programmer, and IT Database Analyst. Every industry area (health, education, business, transportation, government, and manufacturing) relies on computers and the people who make them work.
Computer Support Overview
Our Computer Support degree trains students for technical support and help desk positions. Courses include customer support skills, hardware maintenance, and hardware and software troubleshooting simulations. Graduates pursuing this degree may work as the main computer resource technician in a company or may work as a member of a team providing help desk support.
Students attending full-time can complete the Associate of Applied Science degree in two years, the Diploma in one year, and the certificate in one semester. The program welcomes part-time students who choose to carry a lighter load and take longer to complete the degree. The General Technician Certificate and Diploma are stackable credentials into the Associate of Applied Science degree.
The Computer Support, AAS degree prepares students for a wide variety of rewarding careers, such as Computer Technician, Help Desk Technician, IT Technician, and Help Desk Trainer. Every industry area (health, education, business, transportation, government, and manufacturing) relies on computers and the people who make them work.
Cybersecurity Overview
The Cybersecurity degree trains students to meet the growing need for security professionals in IT. Students learn security systems and operations, cyber defense techniques, and digital forensics related to the protection of today’s networks and critical information systems. Graduates perform a variety of tasks related to the protection of today’s networks and critical information systems.
Students attending full-time can complete the degree in two years. The program welcomes part-time students who choose to carry a lighter load and take longer to complete the degree.
The Cybersecurity, AAS degree prepares students for a wide variety of rewarding careers, such as Cybersecurity Analyst, Cybersecurity Trainer and Security Technician. Every industry area (health, education, business, transportation, government, and manufacturing) relies on computers and the people who make them work.
Network Management Overview
The Network Management degree trains students to set up, maintain, and manage computer networks. Courses in networking deal with basic data communications, PowerShell, Cisco networking, Windows Server, Linux Server, and virtual machine management. Graduates from this focus often find positions providing network support under the supervision of a network administrator.
Students attending full-time can complete the Associate of Applied Science degree in two years and the Diploma in one. The program welcomes part-time students who choose to carry a lighter load and take longer to complete the degree. The Diploma is a stackable credential into the Associate of Applied Science degree.
The Network Management, AAS degree prepares students for a wide variety of rewarding careers, such as Network Engineer, Network Manager, Network Technician, and Network Trainer. Every industry area (health, education, business, transportation, government, and manufacturing) relies on computers and the people who make them work.
Special program requirements
Persons wanting to enroll in the Computer Information Technology program need to be aware that the beginning core courses are the same for all degrees. It is easy to switch degree pathways by working with your advisor and the admissions office.
“Advisor approved INFO electives” can be any INFO course (except INFO1005) not listed as a requirement in the degree.
Prerequisite and co-requisite INFO and ELEC courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher to continue through the program.
For more information contact:
Jo Schuster, Program Co-Chair
402-437-2492, 800-642-4075 ext. 2492
Kim Waswick, Program Co-Chair
402-437-2490, 800-642-4075 ext. 2490
or the College Admissions Office
Lincoln 402-437-2600, 800-642-4075 ext. 2600
Awards- Computer Information Technology, A.A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, Applications Development Diploma
- Computer Information Technology, Applications Development, A.A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, Computer Support Diploma
- Computer Information Technology, Computer Support, A.A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, Cybersecurity, A.A.S.
- Computer Information Technology, General Technician Certificate
- Computer Information Technology, Network Management Diploma
- Computer Information Technology, Network Management, A.A.S.