2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Beatrice, Lincoln, Milford and Online
The Associate of Arts degree is for students who plan to complete their first two years of a bachelor’s degree before transferring to a four-year institution. For more specific information based on the institution to which you want to transfer, please visit: https://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information/
For more information contact:
Jonah Jordening, Program Chair - Beatrice
402-228-8281, 800-233-5027 ext. 1281, jjordening@southeast.edu
Beth Deinert, Program Co-Chair - Lincoln
402-437-2415, 800-642-4075 ext. 2415, bdeinert@southeast.edu
Linda Hartman, Program Co-Chair - Lincoln
402-437-2433, 800-642-4075 ext. 2433, lhartman@southeast.edu
Tammie Lang, Program Chair - Milford
402-761-8465, 800-933-7223 ext. 8465, tlang@southeast.edu
College Admissions Office
Beatrice 402-228-8214, 800-233-5027 ext. 1214
Lincoln 402-437-2600, 800-642-4075 ext. 2600
Milford 402-761-8243, 800-933-7223 ext. 8243
Special Program Requirements
Students who wish to pursue their education in Accounting must complete the regular SCC admission requirements, and all prerequisite courses must have a grade of “C” or higher to continue through the program. Check with a SCC advisor, as well as an advisor for your major at your receiving institution, for recommendations.
Types of Jobs Available
Account Manager |
Accounting Associate |
Accounts Payable or Receivable Clerk |
Billing Coordinator |
Bookkeeper |
Finance Assistant |
Inventory Control Clerk |
Office Manager or Assistant Manager |
Operations Manager or Assistant Manager |
Payroll/Accounting Clerk |
Retail Accounting Specialist |
Revenue Agent |