Feb 10, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Beatrice, Lincoln, Milford and Online

The Associate of Arts degree is for students who plan to complete their first two years of a bachelor’s degree before transferring to a four-year institution. For more specific information based on the institution to which you want to transfer, please visit: https://www.southeast.edu/transfer-information/

For more information contact:
Jonah Jordening, Program Chair - Beatrice
402-228-8281, 800-233-5027 ext. 1281, jjordening@southeast.edu

Beth Deinert, Program Co-Chair - Lincoln
402-437-2415, 800-642-4075 ext. 2415, bdeinert@southeast.edu

Linda Hartman, Program Co-Chair - Lincoln
402-437-2433, 800-642-4075 ext. 2433, lhartman@southeast.edu

Tammie Lang, Program Chair - Milford
402-761-8465, 800-933-7223 ext. 8465, tlang@southeast.edu

College Admissions Office
Beatrice 402-228-8214, 800-233-5027 ext. 1214
Lincoln 402-437-2600, 800-642-4075 ext. 2600
Milford 402-761-8243, 800-933-7223 ext. 8243

Special Program Requirements

Students who wish to pursue their education in Accounting must complete the regular SCC admission requirements, and all prerequisite courses must have a grade of “C” or higher to continue through the program. Check with a SCC advisor, as well as an advisor for your major at your receiving institution, for recommendations.

Types of Jobs Available

Account Manager Accounting Associate
Accounts Payable or Receivable Clerk Billing Coordinator
Bookkeeper Finance Assistant
Inventory Control Clerk Office Manager or Assistant Manager
Operations Manager or Assistant Manager      Payroll/Accounting Clerk
Retail Accounting Specialist Revenue Agent

